Following are the tips for making calculations in Excel sheet.
  1. Go to your start menu and start the Microsoft Excel .There you will find the several columns listed as A,B,C……..etc.
  2. Now type “Fruits” in first column that is “A” and then “Quantity” in second column “B”. Type the names of the fruits into the first columns like Apple, Orange, Bananas etc. Now insert the quantities foe every fruit. Say “4” for apple, “2” for Orange and “12” for Bananas.
  3. Now it’s time for making the formula for adding the sum of the quantity. Click on the 5th row in “b” column (Quantity). A dark rectangle will appear there. Now go to the” formula bar”. It is located above the columns. Type there “=sum(B2+B3+B4)”. B2,B3,B4 are the rows in the column “B”.
  4. Type enter now. It will show you the Total of fruits in the B5 row =18. These formulae are dynamic in nature they change as soon as you change the values for the variables. Now you can try changing the values in front of the fruits that is from “Quantity” column.
  5. Similarly you can try for the other basic operations in mathematics like subtraction, multiplication and division. You just need to change the “+” sign to “*” for multiplication, “/” sign for division, and ”-“ for subtraction. If you want to learn more then search the internet.