Once generated the code, copy the iFrame says because the other requires a special library of Facebook and it is our intention to choose the most complicated way. You will have to change the coding to automatically get the url of the current post. To get the url of your posts will add a php code permalink. The final code would be something like this:
<Iframe src = "http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href = <? Php the_permalink ();?>
& Layout = standard & show_faces = false & width = 450 & action = like
& ColorScheme = light & height = 35 & "scrolling =" no "frameborder =" 0 "style ="
border: none; overflow: hidden;
width: 450px;
height: 35px;
"allowTransparency =" true "> </ iframe>
If you have chosen special options to create your button, you only need to change the part after the "href" with php code and add the locale attribute in the end. Or you can simply copy the code you gave them. Then we add this code in our single.php template in the creation of the post, usually after you call the title of the post. And that's it, keep them in every post that appears to have published.