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Thread: Installing Wordpress: Step by Step Process

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Installing Wordpress: Step by Step Process

    Wordpress is a script developed in PHP and MySQL GNP Licensed which is constantly updated through the work of developers who work to enrich the codex and the errors reported by users. Today there is a great community to work around the cms and it is no coincidence that the best run on wordpress blog. But as every script has its own requirements:
    • PHP
    • MySQL
    All this must be installed on the host where you host your domain. There is a free version of wordpress hosting that just get register domain. and hosting, but it has its limitations, management and other ... You can not use plugins and themes are limited, so I recommend a large extent downloadable version of all management options editing and full control.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Installing Wordpress Step by Step

    Step One: Creating the database.

    The database will carry out the functions of user registration, management reviews and more ... So do not work without a MySQL database! In some host you should ask your vendor support and believe in others from myphpadmin. The data from the database that we use are:
    Username privileges in the database.
    Name of the database.
    Key database.
    URL that hosts the database.
    (In most cases the address is 'localhost' although other companies host their databases on different servers and you should contact your seller to let you know the exact URL where your database. A useful data would be that If you use Cpanel to manage your site as safe as you do not have to worry about changing the setting 'localhost'). The user created should have all privileges on the database.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Installing Wordpress Step by Step

    Step Two: Downloading and Uploading wordpress

    Go to the official website of where downloaded the latest version of wordpress (it is extremely important for operational safety to keep your blog updated). Proceed to unzip the file to a folder. We locate the file 'wp-config-sample.php' and open it with our favorite text editor or manager of code (I use Dreamweb). In this part we set up the data that will allow wordpress to connect to the database already created, it is necessary to complete the following fields with accurate data.

    Name of the database:
    In this field put the exact name we give to our database.

    User Database:
    In this field put the username database.

    The user password used to access the database.

    Then we see these places where we put random sentences calls for improved security cms. I recommend doing it and not put the same but better and more complicated we will not have to remember it. Then save the file as "wp-config.php 'removing the prefix' sample 'and on the same route where it was. Now we are ready to upload all the files in the folder where you decompress our .Zip file (only the folder contents but not the folder). The path where the files you upload should be relevant to the address where you want that is, if you find your way around the root '/' hosting and upload them there, if you want your blog be seen in a different directory that you have content in the root or just the place you wish to upload must be on the same and you have to create the directory and then upload the files to that folder, create directory 'blog' and upload the files there. Created all this can go to your favorite FTP client and upload all files to the directory you've chosen for installation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Installing Wordpress Step by Step

    Step Three: Installing wordpress

    Followed the steps correctly in your browser really the first step of installing wordpress. In this way we see the following fields:

    Site Title: Corresponds to the title of your blog and not the url, the title you use can change it later from the admin panel but it is important for search engines and your users to have a title for your blog.

    Username: Will this be the name by which your users will read your posts, enter your admin panel and other details. Written as a default is 'admin' but you should not have a user for security.

    Password: In effect as any registration you must enter a password. Extremely important to a complex password that includes letters, numbers and signs to avoid be easily guessed.

    Your Email: This will be the email where wordpress randomly through the database will contact you receive an e there when everything is fully installed and check the option of comments awaiting moderation too will be informed when there is some hope. Certainly if you want people to find you by search engines to be enabled.

    Wordpress install: The button to the next step after that everything is configured.

    Now access the admin panel by entering the password you defined earlier in the screen we see where it should be the user name already written by default. And your blog is installed and visible to all users, but then to be visible must be functional, so we must make certain settings that are equally simple and will serve to prevent future problems and help the best display and positioning in search engines. To start enter our panel of administration by url / wp-admin by entering your username and password. Hand pane look for the menu 'look' and select the submenu 'themes' where we see the options to upload and apply our template. There are two ways to increase our staff, from the admin panel and via ftp, I recommend the second but both are effective, to go through the admin panel template must be compressed .Zip format. We climbed our staff and activate it. Let our settings which can be accessed through the menu with the same name.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Installing Wordpress Step by Step

    Here we will start step by step to configure the basic settings and recommended. Are by default configured settings that brings wordpress and if you do not change according to your tastes or needs cases have your blog appear in search engine searches described as "another wordpress blog developed" among other things ... But it is still Simple setup required. First access the General Settings where we find the following:

    Site Title: You should already be set when installed but if you want to change is where to do it.

    Short description: It is important to add a description to your site because it will be very useful to visitors and search engines when put you in a category. Although clearly runs from the aggregated information management in this field.

    Wordpress URL address: This is automatically assigned by wordpress in the installation process so it should not be modified unless you're an advanced user.

    Address URL: This is the address of the webmaster, will be used to recover passwords among other things ... always be available the option to be able to modify it if you think necessary. Like the previous item is no need to touch it.

    Member: If you select the option "Anyone can register" means that users have registered on your blog, thus creating a widget should target that has access to the URL where everyone can access with your username and password, you will additionally be configured to give users role depending on how many privileges they want your users. It also represents an extra burden on the resources site.

    Finally go to our permanent links menu where we will only configuration. Permanent Links (O Permalink in English) is the structure that will have your bookmarks in browsers, is shown to the public as well in the search engines will read it, therefore not recommended for use predefined by wordpress and with a structure purely functional, you still have the option to modify according to your taste or you think is the optimal configuration. Although several options matter specialists recommend using 'category / theme' to make our blogs look so we just have to tick the option 'Custom Structure' and there put (/% category% /% postname% /) without parentheses. Then your links will have a text format which includes the category of the item and you place the item name.

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