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Thread: Windows Live Mail Keyboard shortcuts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Windows Live Mail Keyboard shortcuts

    Hi, recently i have joined a organization where i need to use Windows Live Mail as my default default mail client. Previously, i used yahoo and Gmail. I like to work with keyboard shortcuts that save my time and waork faster. Now as am new to Live Mail, i am not aware of the same. Could you guys please make me know the Keyboard shortcuts for Windows Live Mail ? Help appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Windows Live Mail Keyboard shortcuts

    Windows Live Hotmail, the successor to MSN Hotmail, further enhances the experience of online communication with greater speed, increased security, more storage space and greater ease of use. One of the things that many can enjoy new keyboard shortcuts are characteristic of that already enjoyed by users of Gmail and Yahoo for a long time.

    Here is a variety of keyboard shortcuts for Windows Live Mail:
    • Send and receive e-mails - CTRL + M
    • Write a new message - CTRL + N
    • Show contacts - CTRL + SHIFT + B
    • Deleting an e-mail - DEL or CTRL + D
    • Reply to the message-CTRL + R
    • Reply to all - CTRL + SHIFT + R or CTRL + G (newsgroups only)
    • Forward a message - CTRL + F
    • Find a message - CTRL + SHIFT + F
    • Print selected messages - CTRL + P
    • Go to next unread message - CTRL + U
    • Open the selected message - CTRL + O or ENTER
    • Mark a message as read - CTRL + ENTER or CTRL + Q
    • Go to your inbox - CTRL + I
    • Go to folder - CTRL + Y

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Windows Live Mail Keyboard shortcuts

    One of the things that many can enjoy new keyboard shortcuts are characteristic of that already enjoyed by users of Gmail and Yahoo for a long time. To activate the keyboard shortcuts we Hotmail:

    • Sign in to your Hotmail account and click Options> More options
    • Customize your email address, click "Change the keyboard shortcuts"
    • Then select any of the following ways:
      • Disable keyboard shortcuts
      • Hotmail and Outlook Web Access (OWA)
      • Yahoo Mail
      • Gmail
    • Click the Save button.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Windows Live Mail Keyboard shortcuts

    Keyboard shortcut for main window and view message window:

    1. CTRL+M: Send and receive e‑mail
    2. CTRL+N: Open or post a new message
    3. CTRL+SHIFT+B: Open Contacts
    4. DEL or CTRL+D: Delete an e‑mail message
    5. CTRL+R: Reply to the message author
    6. CTRL+SHIFT+R or CTRL+G : Reply to all
    7. CTRL+F: Forward a message
    8. CTRL+SHIFT+F: Find a message
    9. CTRL+P: Print the selected message
    10. CTRL+>: Go to the next message in the list
    11. CTRL+<: Go to the previous message in the list
    12. ESC: Close a message
    13. F3 or CTRL+SHIFT+F: Find text

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Windows Live Mail Keyboard shortcuts

    To quickly access the Hotmail account, and directly read your messages, just create a shortcut to Hotmail on your desktop. To do so, just follow these steps:-
    • Right click on the desktop, select "New" then "shortcut".
    • In the "Create Shortcut", enter the following command line:
      % windir% \ System32 \ rundll32.exe "% ProgramFiles% \ Internet Explorer \ HMMAPI.DLL" OpenInboxHandler
    • After you copy / pasted the command line above, click "Next".
    • In the next window, enter the name you want for this shortcut (eg Hotmail).
    • Finally click "Finish", your shortcut to Hotmail will be present on the desktop.

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