Opera Mail is an industry leading e-mail client embedded in Opera 10 web browser. All of your e-mails are there even when you are not connected to the Web. Your e-mails are stored right on your hard disk so that you can read and respond anywhere. When you are back online, Opera Mail synchronizes with your e-mail services, keeping you organized and productive.
You can find out some more useful information about Opera Mail here.
Apart from these, i found some much useful Keyboard shortcuts for the same, that is Opera Mail as you can browse a lot faster using the keyboard. Some operations have multiple shortcuts; use those you find most convenient. Just go through this:-
E-mail keys: reading and sending
- Basics:
- Check e-mail :- Ctrl + K
- Write new message :- Ctrl + M
- Attach files to message :- Ctrl + O
- Upload queued messages to mail server :- Ctrl + Shift + K
- Send composed message :- Ctrl + Shift + S / Ctrl + Enter
- Navigation
- Go to next message :- J
- Go to previous message :- U
- Go to next unread message :- H / Shift + J
- Go to previous unread message :- Y / Shift + U
- Move one screen-full up :- Shift + Space
- Move one screen-full down, then go to next unread :- Space
- Scroll up in message body (even if focus on message list) :- Alt + ↑
- Scroll down in message body (even if focus on message list) :- Alt + ↓
- Set focus to message list :- F8
- Set focus to message :- F9
- Threads
- Expand all threads :- Shift + →
- Collapse all threads :- Shift + ←
- Mark thread as read :- M
- Mark thread as read, go to next unread :- N