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Thread: How to set up Gmail with push notification for iPhone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    How to set up Gmail with push notification for iPhone

    NuevaSync was one of the first solutions enabling wireless synchronization of Google Calendar and Gmail contacts with an iPhone or any device compatible with Exchange ActiveSync. A new version of this service allows you to push mails from GMail or Google Apps to your mobile phone.

    The Mountain View company also offers a free sync wirelessly calendars and contacts GMail. The only advantage of the free version of NuevaSync is that it supports synchronization of up to 11 calendars, while Google in this function is limited to 5 calendars.

    The new version "Premium" goes much further. It not only offers the mail mode "push", but it is possible to synchronize up to 50 Google calendars. NuevaSync is one of the first to offer the "push" on the iPhone. This means that you receive your messages even if the Mail application on your device is not open.

    When you open an account with NuevaSync you must link to your Gmail or Google Apps. The licensing procedure takes only a few seconds and you do not have to reveal your password to Google NuevaSync. The premium service comes at a cost of $ 25 per year. It is compatible with the iPhone, but also with the Pre Palm, Windows Mobile, Nokia and other mobile phone compatible with Microsoft Exchange Server.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to set up Gmail with push notification for iPhone

    How to set up Gmail with push notification for iPhone - Mobile Me

    1. Create trial of MobileMe ( truth is not sound bad

    2. Set MobileMe on the iPhone

    2. You forward all your mail from Gmail to your MobileMe (in Gmail Settings-> Forwarding and POP)

    3. In Settings-> Mail in iPhone, disable the default SMTP server to MobileMe account (which is server and your Gmail using the login username and password for Gmail. Thus, when you reply to mail, as it appears in your Gmail account and from the MobileMe!

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