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Thread: Discover the secret commands in PowerPoint 2007

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Discover the secret commands in PowerPoint 2007

    Like Word, Excel or Outlook, PowerPoint 2007 will accept orders placed as a parameter to launch. These commands fix the application or impose a specific launch, different from the default. A good way to resolve crashes and failures, but also to gain in productivity!

    The launch commands are commands that alter the normal launch of the application. These commands are often expressed in one or more letters preceded by the sign "/".

    To use them, two possibilities:

    - Launch Microsoft PowerPoint from the Run menu by pressing [Windows] + [R] and then typing:

    - Launch PowerPoint 2007 from the Start menu of Vista or Windows 7 by opening the menu with a brief pressure on the [Windows] and typing in the search field:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Discover the secret commands in PowerPoint 2007

    The available commands are:

    Use this command after a crash of PowerPoint while you were full up or full slideshow. The software will then load all by trying to pick up where the program has crashed.

    - POWERPNT/S name_of_file.pptx
    Lance PowerPoint file with the designated and automatically launch mode "Slide Show", that is the way "Slideshow."

    - POWERPNT/C name_of_file.pptx
    Lance PowerPoint conference mode "NetMeeting" by loading the file automatically designated.

    Lance PowerPoint without displaying the Welcome screen (the splash-screen ") and without opening the document. Often used by the developers of macros and extensions for Office.

    - POWERPNT/M Name_FileMacros.pptm Name_Macro
    Lance PowerPoint file with the designated macro (Name_FileMacros.pptm) and requests the execution of the macro designated (Name_Macro) from the start. This is very useful when creating interactive presentations with or macros that you want to auto-execute.

    - POWERPNT/O name_of_file1.pptx, name_of_file2.pptx, name_of_file3.pptx
    Lance PowerPoint and orders the automatic loading of the file list specified. This is very useful when you must make a public presentation using PowerPoint files.

    - POWERPNT/P name_of_file1.pptx
    Triggers the printing of the specified file, using the print settings

    - POWERPNT/PMO name_of_file1.pptx
    Trigger the printing of the file indicated, displays the configuration options for printing.

    Lance PowerPoint with a new blank presentation.

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