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Thread: Know more about Yahoo Messenger

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Know more about Yahoo Messenger

    Want to know some thing much more about yahoo messenger.Here is the collection you ever wanted to know about your favorite Yahoo Messenger. Read and enjoy!!!!

    1. Tabbed Messenger Chat windows

    1. Open registry Editor (Start=>Run Type REGEDIT press OK)
    2. Goto HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\pager
    3. Check whether there is an entry named "Tabbed IM"
    4. If it is there double click to open, change the value to 1 (choose Hexadecimal) Press OK (thats all)
    5. If it is not there

    • Right click on the blank space
    • New => DWORD Value
    • Change the Name to "Tabbed IM" (with out double quotes)
    • open it and change the value to 1 and save [double click to open, change the value to 1 (choose Hexadecimal) Press OK (thats all)]

    Now when you open each chat window, it will open as a tab.

    2. All The Smileys You Want:

    Want to know about all the smileys you can use in Yahoo! Messenger, along with their keyboard shortcuts? Point your browser to

    3. YEmote2:

    Download it from YEmote2 adds several interesting features to Yahoo! Messenger, such as advanced Webcam capture, easy smileys selection, advanced message archive viewer, an auto-reply feature, and much more. Go to for more on YEmote2.

    4. Change The Title Text:

    Here’s how you change the title text that appears at the top of the Messenger window. By default, this is “Yahoo! Messenger”, followed by your status. Simply edit the ymsgr.ini file, which you will find in the same folder as the Messenger program, in your Program Files folder. Locate the file and open it in Notepad. Then, at the end, add the following:

    caption=YOUR TEXT

    Here, “YOUR TEXT” is whatever you want in the title bar. Save the file and close Messenger. When you restart it you will see your text in the title bar.

    5. Multicast A Message:

    To send a message to several recipients at once, right click on the group title in your contact list, on select Send Message to all in this group. Alternatively, hold down [Ctrl] and left-click on the contacts you wish to send a message to. Once you’ve highlighted the required names, simply right click on a name and select ‘Send a message’.

    6. Remove the Advertisement on yahoo Messenger

    1. Open registry editor (Start=>Run Type REGEDIT press OK)
    2. Goto HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\pager\\YUrl
    3. Add the following values to the registry or change the values to * if the exists
    • Messenger Ad
    • Webcam Upload Ad
    • Webcam Viewer Ad
    • Webcam Viewer Ad Big
    • Webcam Viewer Ad Medium
    • Change Room Banner
    • Conf Adurl
    • Chat Adurl

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Know more about Yahoo Messenger

    You can download and add some extra Smileys for free:

    For themed, rude, and just plain naughty smileys for Yahoo! Messenger,
    navigate to You will find a link there to download a zipped archive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Know more about Yahoo Messenger

    Nice tutorial guys thankyou...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Know more about Yahoo Messenger

    Well i was not aware of those things in yahoo messenger.. Changing the title was the nice trick.. thanks for sharing this guys..

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