Published on CodePlex, the site of software in Open Source from Microsoft, Flickr.Net Screensaver is a little program which posts out of screen of Windows day before the photographs were directly recovered since the site of Flickr division.
The photographs posted as a screen of day before can be selected multiple ways: by recovering your personal albums, albums of your friends, your Flickr favourites or starting from research on the key words Flickr.

The photographs can be posted in three ways:
- In mode “full screen”.
- In mode “postcard” with a edge and a rotation as on the albums paper.
- In mode “run” which posts the photographs with effects of scrolling.

Here, in the order, the stages to follow to take it in hand:
- Download and install the software.

- Once the stage of launched and completed installation, Windows automatically posts the manager of screen of day before Windows and preselects Flickr. Click on the Parametres button.

- The Pictures mitre (“images”) offers 3 operating processes:
* The mode Per User (“by user”) in which one registers his name Flickr or that of a friend who publishes his photographs on Flickr.
* The mode Per Group (“by group”) in which you must give the URL of the group of division in Flickr (in the form.
* The Everyone mode (“everyone”) in which you can choose to post either all the new photographs (Recent) or all photographs answering a keyword that you will have to seize in the field With Tag.
For example, notch Everyone, then notch With Tag and seize “Castle”.

- Select then the Options mitre

- Modify the duration of posting of the photographs by seizing “0,10” in the field Delay between photographs.

- Select Broad in Size Image (“size of image”)

- Select Postcard for a posting way album paper, or Moving for a dynamic posting.

- Click on OK to validate the parameters.

- Click on Applying then to OK to validate your new screen of day before.

Note: To reach your private photographs or photographs of private groups, you must turn over in the parameters of the screen of day before, to open the mitre “Authentification”, click on “Authenticate” and to follow the traditional procedure to authenticate the application then to record your Login/password on Flickr.