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Thread: Typing shortcuts for Firefox web browser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Typing shortcuts for Firefox web browser

    How to have simple typing shortcuts on Firefox web browser. I am using Firefox as my default web browser and for that I am looking for some easy to use add-ons that can help me to type faster on my web browser. I had tried looking around but I am not able to find any working add-ons for the same. There are so many but among which will be better for typing faster on Firefox web browser. I had searched on the official site but I am unable to locate any useful add-ons.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Typing shortcuts for Firefox web browser

    Firefox can provide you keyboard shortcuts. I do not think there is anything that can provide a fast typing option. You have to rely on the regular keyboard shortcuts which will work well. For fast typing you have to try practicing a lot. I do not think Firefox is having any kind of add-on that can speed up typing. You can still try searching on the add-on page and you can post if you find anything useful. If you learn different keyboard shortcuts then still Firefox web browser will be easy to manage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Typing shortcuts for Firefox web browser

    After searching for really long time I am able to find a single add-on that will really work the way you want. This add-on is called as Text Complete. This add-on is bit outdated. That means there are no future updates on this and users are already complaining about the bugs on latest version of Firefox web browser. So if you want you can test it. But if this does not work then you have to downgrade your web browser version to a older one to test out.

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