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Thread: Does anyone knows about HTTP/2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Does anyone knows about HTTP/2

    HTTP/2 is a new kind of thing which is the market. I want to know what it is exactly. There were news that this will be a new kind of protocol which will offer speedy website load time. But yet nothing is cleared. I had seen that whenever we open a site we see http and https at the front of the url. But yet never seen HTTP/2. Does this will also help in mobile phone. It is going to offer more better speed output on the mobile device also. I had seen in news that youtube and facebook had already adopted this new kind of thing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Does anyone knows about HTTP/2

    It is a upgraded version of HTTP. And this is updated and is going to offer you a lot more better web standard. It is after a very long time this has been done. HTTP/2 has become on of the most important update for today's time. It is a communications protocol which organizes the exchange of data between a web site and a browser. And it is being found that after updating to this new protocol it will be lot more easier to load Text, photos and videos. It is just to speed up the web browsing experience and it is going to be helpful on all platform.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Does anyone knows about HTTP/2

    HTTP/2 is faster because it takes advantage of many new features of a browsers. This also includes multiplexing. Instead of making a request at a time by a browser, it will be able to perform several requests at a single connection. And this will load many things in single time which is a time saver option. Today when we talk about website then there are many images at the same time. There is one more protocol called as SPDY. This is developed by Google and it is also based on HTTP/2. Major tech providers has already migrated to this new standard.

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