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Thread: Which is the best and fast magazine theme for WordPress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Which is the best and fast magazine theme for WordPress

    I need an good magazine type of themes for WordPress but it must be not heavy. Recently I had installed one which slowed down my entire website. I am having too many images on my article. I think there are around 3 to 4 images on each article. I want to add a good theme which can have a great look but it must be fast. I had seen so many themes and I am confused. I cannot just keep on uploading down new stuff. I want one that is good and does not slow down the site. Can anyone recommend me the same. Also I want one thing. If possible it must be optimized for mobile devices.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Which is the best and fast magazine theme for WordPress

    What you need is a something that has good landing page with fast output. So there are few optimized theme which you can download and add on your site. I will recommend you to go for Surfarama. Just search that on under theme section. Add this theme. It is great for media site. It has small thumbnail type of interface where you can simply add images and make your article look better. It just looks like Windows 8 Metro UI. It is easy to customize and fast. There are less customization part here. Just test this once.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Which is the best and fast magazine theme for WordPress

    Before adding any theme it is good if you can test it on your pc. Create a local server and host your website on that. You can do that through Xampp. Just add this and it will create a virtual environment. Through which you can test and customize various website. And once you finalize the design you can directly upload that on your site. It works in the from of live online server. But you wont get any cpanel on the same. You have to configure the site manually and upload files on it. That will fix the issue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Which is the best and fast magazine theme for WordPress

    Go for Ribbon. It is simple but has good ui. It is free to download. The good part of this theme is that you get a optimized them for mobile phone and tablets. You dont have to pay to developer or buy any separate theme. It a fast responsive theme with less customization. Once it is online you get the kind of look you want. You can modify the same as per your need. Like you can customize the side widgets and add/remove things you want. Just test this one. I am quiet sure you dont really need anything else.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Which is the best and fast magazine theme for WordPress

    Go on mythemeshop. And there you can check the section of free WordPress themes. From there you can download ample of great themes for your device. I am quiet sure that will be enough for you. It is good if you can test the same on your local pc. So that you can finalize what you really want. And then you can upload the same online. It is very easy to create a virtual server. Another thing you can do is get a free online server. There are ample of free hosting providers. You can configure your site no that and test the theme.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Which is the best and fast magazine theme for WordPress

    Installing themes is not the only thing you need. There are many other stuff you have to do. Like you have to configure a set of different plugins to speed up the site. Or else it wont work as expected. Get any lightweight theme of your choice. And once done with the same you have to add a few plugins to speed up your site. Like Wpcache, an image optimizer, etc. This will automatically manage all the internal content of the site and increase the speed. There are many online tester site that provide you enough information about speeding up wp site.

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