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Thread: Getting constant clipboard error on OneDrive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Getting constant clipboard error on OneDrive

    When I am trying to copy paste something from notepad or word directly in OneDrive I am getting a clipboard access error. I am not able to figure out the reason behind this. I am constantly getting the error. I am using Firefox here. I am getting it on Microsoft Excel also. What does the error actually means and how to fix the same. I had tried reconnecting a number of time but the error remains constant. I am quiet sure there can be some way to fix the problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Getting constant clipboard error on OneDrive

    It can be due to your internet connection. That might be not proper due to which you are getting the error. You must simply try to resolve the same by checking that your net connection is not breaking up in between. Just verify the same first and check back. That will be enough to resolve the issue. You can also try testing the same on a different browser. Try using Chrome. This type of issue usually appear on slow internet connection.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Getting constant clipboard error on OneDrive

    I got this issue on Excel in OneDrive. I was copying a few lines from the notepad to Excel and got the error. This error appears because the file is not completely loaded. It is right that the issue can be due to slow internet connection or if the net is breaking in between. When you open the file wait back until is finally loaded. And then you can simply copy paste things from it. If you are getting the same error again and then test the same on some other internet connection.

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