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Thread: Onedrive does not shows up thumbnail of my documents

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Onedrive does not shows up thumbnail of my documents

    There is a problem with Microsoft OneDrive. I am not able to see thumbnail of all my uploaded documents. I have saved office files, with images and a few videos also. Before I use to see the thumbnails of images but now it is not visible. I am using Internet Explorer. Is there anyone else facing the issue. I had tried to refresh the page a number of time but still the problem is same. Can anyone help me to get rid of this problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Onedrive does not shows up thumbnail of my documents

    Looks like a browser issue to me. You have to simply change the browser for the same. Try accessing onedrive in Firefox or Google Chrome and see that you are able to see the thumbnails or not. If not then the issue is with onedrive and you can report that to Microsoft. This can be some server related problem. There is nothing to much worry about the same. You can download one-drive on your pc and get all the files synced.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Onedrive does not shows up thumbnail of my documents

    It is a weird issue. In my case I am having problem with Office documents. I have uploaded around 50 Microsoft Word files on the cloud storage. And none of them are showing the thumbnails. But files open file and I am able to download all of them. I can view them online. Unless and until your file is not having any problem you can leave things aside. This issue will be solved automatically.

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