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Thread: Is Facebook Nearby friends feature is effective

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Is Facebook Nearby friends feature is effective

    Is anyone using Facebook Nearby Friend feature. I had seen a short video of that, which shows people who are near you. I am looking for more information on the same. How this app really works. Does it find people through internet or through gps. Will it work on the phone which is not having a gps on it. I am having a Lenovo model which is not having gps in it. I hope it will work well on that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Is Facebook Nearby friends feature is effective

    Nearby friend is a nice feature. The friends who are in your area will appear on the chat menu. You can just instantly talk with theme through this. It will work with all devices and you will see all friends which are in the friend list. The feature is not rolled out at all places and I think it will need the gps. You can try finding details in Facebook settings about that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Is Facebook Nearby friends feature is effective

    I am also waiting for this feature. I do not think there will be problem with the gps thing. It is not easy to comment unless we are sure that this thing really works. I hope this will be effective. Facebook has took really long time to introduce this feature in its social networking site. They must provide this feature long before. You just have to share your location for that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Is Facebook Nearby friends feature is effective

    I agree that Facebook took take really long time to introduce to this feature. I have seen this features in many chat applications. You can simply chat through nearby people and it is able to locate things through gps. Facebook must have added this thing long back. I am not really sure that this feature is effective or not. There must be something better when it comes to privacy. Facebook is missing those features.

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