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Thread: Search from chrome omnibox redirects to webwebweb

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Search from chrome omnibox redirects to webwebweb

    I dont know what went wrong with my Chrome browser yesterday. I am using this browser as my system's default since a year and never had any problem until day before yesterday night when i turned off the computer. Yesterday morning when i booted up the system and tried searching anything from the browser's omnibox, it redirected directly to I dont know why. I use to search directly from the omnibox instead of typing and then the keyword. But earlier it use to take me to google.

    I went to settings and checked if anything is wrong from there, surprisingly i found still google set as the default search engine. Any idea how can i fix this problem and get rid of that webwebweb? Please help soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Search from chrome omnibox redirects to webwebweb

    Let me guess. Are you using any Video downloader or download helper extension with the browser? I guess yes because this is the reason why you get redirected to the webwebweb. I personally have seen several users complaining the same had installed Video download helper which creates the problem. Simply uninstall the same and restart the browser. Thats it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Search from chrome omnibox redirects to webwebweb

    I appreciate your help Oviyam but unfortunately your solution doesn't concerns to me as i dont have any of those extensions installed on my Firefox browser, neither on any browser.

    Any other help please?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Search from chrome omnibox redirects to webwebweb

    There is a utility called 'QuestScan' which gets installed on your system from nowhere and it makes your browser to redirect somewhere else on searching. So what you need to do is go to Add and Remove applet and uninstall QuestScan. Restart the browser (better restart the system) and go to settings, set Google as default search engine. See if the problem persists. Hopefully it should be gone.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Search from chrome omnibox redirects to webwebweb

    Yes, it is true to some extent that QuestScan is the one plays important role in directing browsers to some other websites but there are many cases where even though QuestScan is not installed, browser redirects. In such cases some of your extension is the one doing it, probably Yandex. So what you need to is go to Chrome’s extension list and uninstall everything you see about Yandex. If it is not visible simply disable all extension and restart chrome. See if the browser is still redirecting. If not, then one thing is sure that any of your extension was the culprit. You will now need to enable each extension one by one and see which one of them is redirecting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Search from chrome omnibox redirects to webwebweb

    Thanks for the help guys. I think it was QuestScan itself. I found it in the list of installed programs. Uninstalling the same and re-setting Google as the default browser fixed the problem now. Everything working well. Help appreciated.

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