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Thread: Quick search Function in Opera with different Search engines?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Quick search Function in Opera with different Search engines?

    I am looking for a Quick Search feature in Opera which is similar to what we use in firefox. It means you simply type the keyword. The browser will automatically open it on the web page. I don’t know whether it is available in opera but I am not looking for to make use of menus/buttons/anything. If I type anything, the search directly goes to the page without clicking on any button/menu.

    However is there any add-on which adds more search engines in the Opera navigation bar? There are already few different search engines for the search box

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Quick search Function in Opera with different Search engines?

    As far as I know that you can easily do this in Opera. All you have to do is find the file search.ini, located in the folder of Opera (by default C: \ Program Files \ Opera). Then open this file in a plain-text editor such as Notepad. Once you've opened the file, you will see that it is divided into several parts, each parts search through a search engine for other states.

    It is possible that you will find slightly different rules to depending on the version of Opera you're using. The main thought, however, remains the same and, most lines will find you anyway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Quick search Function in Opera with different Search engines?

    If you are going to change existing configuration files of Opera changing, always make a backup of the original files. So you can quickly restore the situation if you do something wrong. Since Opera 9, you can easily customize the search via the search engines tab, found under the Tools menu -> Preferences ....

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