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Thread: High system memory and cpu usage by firefox 4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    High system memory and cpu usage by firefox 4

    Hello to all. I have a personal computer at my place which I got it from my uncle around a week back. For surfing on the internet, I use Firefox 4 version. I have windows xp sp3. RAM is 2 giga bytes. The issue is that when I use all the above mentioned, firefox makes upto very high percentage of system memory and cpu usage. I do not open many tabs. In fact, sometimes the cpu usage goes to above 90% and around 600 mega bytes of memory. Can any one let me know what is the reason of such things. Please help. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: High system memory and cpu usage by firefox 4

    Hi. It may have happened that there may be some processor intensive extensions that are installed in the firefox. Hence my advise will be, go to tools and then click on add on and finally extension option . Just uninstall that you don’t use amongst it. Also, the question is not about the less tabs that you open but which tabs you open. If flash games are opened on multiple websites, then cpu usage will surely go on a very high range. I hope I helped you in some way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: High system memory and cpu usage by firefox 4

    Hi. My advise will be that you reinstall your firefox and then again check it in a up to date manner. Also, you can perform a full system scan by running an antivirus. There is one more opinion from my end. Go to start, run and enter msconfig. Then go to start up and just keep disabling each and everything. Then reboot and in case you don’t see a repeat action then again enable every item one at a time. That can help. I have mentioned you how much I know. Hoping it will be fruitful to you in some way. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: High system memory and cpu usage by firefox 4

    I will tell you that you should give a try to Sysinternal's RegistryMonitor and FileMonitor tools. Also disabling the firewall may give you a positive result. Also, there is something like task manger called as auto processor viewer. You can use it. May be it will be a fruitful result. Aslo, just check it out that your bookmarks toolbar is not turned on. It can very much be the reason for the issue that you have stated. Also, there is an option that you may go for Internet explorer latest versions or even google chrome.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: High system memory and cpu usage by firefox 4

    Hi. I would like to confirm , do you have a printer at your place and in case you do have it then I hope it is not turned on. In case it was just make sure that you don’t keep it on without any reason, that can really lead high cpu usage. Also, run the plug ins check. In case it is out of date then it could be causing problems. Also, I hope that shockwave is updated and java is not out of date. If it is, then updation is needed via windows control panel.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: High system memory and cpu usage by firefox 4

    Hi. I would recommend you, use task manager and go to process tab. Then double click on column heading cpu. That will give the list how much cpu usage is for which process. Ideally, system idle processor should be on the top of the list. If in case it isn’t there , then there is a problem. Thus, by doing what I told you will atleast get to know whether so much space is used because of firefox or some other reason. I hope my post helps you in some way.

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