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Thread: XP not working proper, accessing net via travel router

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    XP not working proper, accessing net via travel router

    I am running on Trendnet TEW654TR journey router in a hotel. It is wired into the net link in my space. I have a laptop which is work well among it, I have used Windows XP SP2 and linking over 802.11g. It obtains an IP address in the 10. #.#.#range, which is allocated through the hotel network. My other processor can attach to the Trendnet, but cannot attach to the internet. And it is working fine. The difficulty laptop is an Acer Aspire 5050, among a Broadcom cable less adapter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: XP not working proper, accessing net via travel router

    If both workstations are using the journey router as a router/AP, then how can both be linked to the tour router, but one with the 10.*.*.* range, the further 192.168.10.range? Most probably the travel router has its own DHCP server and is give out IPs in the 192.168.10. Series to the entire comers. So where is this 10.*.*.* coming from? I imagine the processor is possibly linked straight to the hotel's wireless network, while the travel router is not. Is it probable the hotel utilizes a web portal for approval and the travel router cannot handle it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: XP not working proper, accessing net via travel router

    Usually you would have the travel router’s DHCP server disable at what time arranged for AP form. once more, you almost certainly desire your wireless customers to get their IP settings from the hotel beneath these situation, not the tour router. But if you have the travel router’s DHCP server facilitate, you have a possible problem. It is then a toss-up which DHCP server react first to DHCP needs! It is completely probable to have DHCP needs satisfied through moreover DHCP server since you have right of entry to *two* DHCP servers on the similar network.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: XP not working proper, accessing net via travel router

    This is only going to substance if you arrange the travel router in AP form (amazing you not at all respond to what time asked, are you using Router form or AP form?). The complete point of Router Mode is to share a solitary IP from the ISP's subnet (10.x.x.x, you can believe of the hotel as the ISP in this container) with numerous customers at the back the router, the entire of whom get their IP coursework from the routers subnet. once more, that is the complete point of by means of a router!

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