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Thread: "send page by email" and "send link by email" disabled in Internet Explorer 8

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    "send page by email" and "send link by email" disabled in Internet Explorer 8

    I am a non techie kind of person . I am being using a desktop system ,for a long time, but before this I was not having an internet connection at home , I do not know which browser was installed before in my system , but I recently installed the internet explorer , but for a few reasons s "send page by email" and "send link by email" has been disabled in my browser , I do not exactly know what is the actual reason behind this please help me out on this topic .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: "send page by email" and "send link by email" disabled in Internet Explorer 8

    Evidently I am ignorant of new characteristics in Windows 7 which might eliminate our reliance on regsvr32 based solutions . I at last found a repair for my case using the provided User interface , for example . Control Panel, Default Programs, in that you can assign Program Access and Computer Defaults, Custom, select default E-mail program, Windows Live Mail, satisfactory. I'm not certain what it did though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: "send page by email" and "send link by email" disabled in Internet Explorer 8

    I was expecting to make out a change regarding SendMail's CLSID, for example put it in the HKLM Shell Extensions permitted list but that actually did not happen. Security/obscurity? Unluckily I unwisely neglected to have ProcMon capture whatever that manual process did do. My query is: why didn't this occur automatically when I downloaded and reinstalled WL fundamentals, including WLMail? It is the *only* E-mail software installed so of course I desire it to be the "default" one

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: "send page by email" and "send link by email" disabled in Internet Explorer 8

    It may assist to research with Default Programs, Set Associations for the Mailto protocol. However, I have had issues with Internet Explorer somehow not following modifications made that way. I still have to undertake to mark out that with ProcMon to endeavor to understand it better. But I have never gone through your indications of not being able to use the File, Send... options at all. I just become conscious that Windows 7 doesn't contain an E-mail client at all, so I was presuming that you had either installed Live Mail (e.g. downloaded and installed Live Essentials) or had installed Outlook or some other E-mail client. If that's not the case it would certainly give details about your indications.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: "send page by email" and "send link by email" disabled in Internet Explorer 8

    Do you have any other E-mail clients you can actually choose that link with?

    on the other hand, because that is a symbol of a broken User inter face and since sendmail.dll is registerable you can attempt re-registering it. In actuality, you could attempt using this common repair process for more of the same. By the way because it is based on the old Internet explorer 5 Repair procedure which used to do its re-registration at the time of reboot you can further replicate that by executing the cmd during a safe mode command only boot or else just attempt to minimize what else is running when you strive it.

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