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Thread: How many post are allowed to post on a blog in a single day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    How many post are allowed to post on a blog in a single day

    what are blogs exactly lots of my friends are blogging now a days i have got invitations from few of them. i am not very much familiar about bog posting i would like to know how many articles can i post on a blog on a single day i am very much confused since i have read on a number of websites and each of these websites are telling different stories Any help in this matter would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: How many post are allowed to post on a blog in a single day

    You can access the Gmail website, fill out the registration form, check if the username that you are not yet registered to create and use a password you will remember later. The password must have two letters and six numbers. Then choose a security question and write your answer. Add a secondary email, or other email account to receive all login information for the account you just created in gmail, go directly to that other account.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: How many post are allowed to post on a blog in a single day

    According to my knowledge you can create any number of blog posts. There are no restrictions by google. There are a number of blog service providers available like the blogger and the Wordpress. So simply go to the website of the blog which ever you like fill up the simple form and then finish the blog and start blogging and posting you can install any number of posts. Hopefully i have helped you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: How many post are allowed to post on a blog in a single day

    Blog is short for weblog, any record of information can often be considered a blog (latest news of an online journal for instance). Most of the people have used blogs as personal journals, but a blog can have any type of content and be used for various purposes. One advantage of blogging tools is to allow users to publish their content without needing to know how web pages are constructed, i.e. without technical expertise.

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