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Thread: Facebook problems with IE 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Facebook problems with IE 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    Hello friend,
    I have a Acer computer with the Windows 7 operating system, and installed the Internet Explorer 9 Beta version . Using the high definition internet service, the problem whenever I used to access the Facebook social network web-site, I am not able to view the video on the browser also not able to the upload the video or the picture on my book of the Facebook from the Internet Explorer. But earlier it was works great in the Internet Explorer 8, there is only problem in the 9 version. How can I do this correct?
    Last edited by Mettalica; 14-10-2010 at 06:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Facebook problems with ie 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    Which version of Adobe flash player you are using with the browser? The plug in may be missing in the browser, where you tried to access the Facebook. If your machine is 64-bit system architecture then be sure that there is no plug in for the 64-bit operating system in Internet Explorer 9, you can use it in the 32-bit operating system. I would like to know from you is this problem is only occurs in the multiple use or any single operation?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Facebook problems with ie 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    First you make sure that the security feature or settings is allow to view the video or also to stream. Do not install any add-on to the browser, because there are some add-ons which are may cause for the problem to access any web-site. The firewall setting is also used to allow the view the video from any web-site, check the setting of that, whatever may the windows firewall or the any third party Antivirus.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Facebook problems with ie 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    I had the similar problem in my browser, whenever I tried to access the mail account or the any social network site, the streaming facility and also the download facility is disable in the browser, I can’t download the mails from the browser default download manager. After that I did this and suggest you to go for it, might be help you to overcome from the problem: go to START menu and type Internet Explorer, you will see there is no add-on option, select that option and then try to access the Facebook.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Facebook problems with ie 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    A per my knowledge, the Internet Explorer 9 are not support some of the web-sites, the compatibility mode not allowed to view the page or to use some of the features of the page. Where as the Internet Explorer 7 or 8 are not having this kind of problem regarding the view of any web-site, you can easily load he page in the browser. The problem some functionality of the browser is recognized by the Internet Explorer 9 Beta version.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Facebook problems with IE 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    The following things are worked when I was facing the similar issue. And like to suggest you to go through these. I hope the process will help you:
    1. Add Facebook to compatibility list of the browser.
    2. open the browser
    3.Then go to Internet explorer > internet options.
    4. Then go to Advanced and then should check: Use software rendering instead of GPU.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Facebook problems with IE 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    hey.I can't upload video from any device to facebook since lat year.please help me to fix my problem.I'm not very well in facebook and I already try all way could'nt fix that, the message shown something about copyrighting or something like that,but I'm pretty sure did'nt do any wrong like copyrighting. Thank you

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Facebook problems with IE 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by morteza zeinali View Post
    hey.I can't upload video from any device to facebook since lat year.please help me to fix my problem.I'm not very well in facebook and I already try all way could'nt fix that, the message shown something about copyrighting or something like that,but I'm pretty sure did'nt do any wrong like copyrighting. Thank you
    What is the file format of the video that you are trying to upload on facebook? From which devices you are uploading, is it a mobile phone? If the file size is pretty big then due to slow download speed of internet, it could be possible that the video is taking much time for uploading or due to connection lost, the video uploading must be stopping.

  9. #9
    jessiadamz Guest

    Re: Facebook problems with IE 9 - Cannot view or upload videos on Facebook

    Can you download any videos from other websites or is it just Facebook?
    If it is all videos, then you might need to reinstall FlashPlayer. The version that works with IE9 Beta is a Preview version called Square. Installed Square for IE9. Still cannot see the videos. Using 64bit IE9 and windows 7 ultimate 64bit.
    Not sure but it looks like its too early to call it a beta version.

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