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Thread: Easy share email is not connecting to server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Easy share email is not connecting to server

    The sender of the email message is specified using the fields "Email address of the sender" and "From" (in the "Send"). You are free to type what you want in these fields or select an address and a name from the selection bar, which keeps track of the last 10 names and addresses used in the last sending operations. But the problem is that easy share email is not connecting to server.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Easy share email is not connecting to server

    If a registration address or unsubscribe has been associated with the selected distribution list, it will automatically appear as the address of the sender. However, it remains just a default action, address and / or name that have to be manually changed.

    You can also specify an optional "Reply Address" that is the address to which your responses will be sent. If this box is left blank, the answers will be sent to the address of the sender. To send the message, just click on the Send button. If this is your first sending operation, or if the connection parameters have changed, it will be mandatory to first define the parameters of transmission or the message can be sent.
    I'm the Proud Owner of the most dangerous weapon
    known to man kind: Human Brain

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Easy share email is not connecting to server

    By selecting 'Send Direct, the software will focus on the mail server for each recipient and automatically connect to them, "jumping" and the every SMTP will not necessary send the settings. To perform such a search, use the connection SendBlaster current default DNS, but it is also possible to manually set a different DNS, activating the option "Specify a DNS server" and entering an IP address correct. Keep in mind that some email domains and not direct sending, the message is rejected if it comes from a desktop system opposed to a public SMTP server.

    By selecting "In case of errors, try sending direct" The software tries to send the message to the SMTP server if the server e-mail address is not accepted at first instance and using the field parameters "Use an SMTP server.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Easy share email is not connecting to server

    It is necessary to specify the SMTP server name and, in cases where authentication is required, select the box" authentication required "and specify the User Data and Password. These parameters are the ones you use in your email client software, and all you have to do is "copy" from the email account in question. The option of ticking SSL enables SSL communication, which could be necessity by some SMTP servers.
    By selecting "Where mistakes, try direct mailing, and in this case the message is not accepted by the SMTP server, the software will try to deliver the message directly to the recipient's mail server, in using Direct Sending parameters.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Easy share email is not connecting to server

    Some providers do this; so that their users use the server for spam, impose restrictions on the number of messages that can be sent in a certain period of time, as they impose restrictions. All messages that go beyond those restrictions will be rejected with an error. This does not signify that the server or the software does not work correctly, but rather it will be essential to set the pause between different messages in the Advanced Settings section.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Easy share email is not connecting to server

    It might be quicker and more convenient to use the direct mailing. Sending live requires a little more time to send each message (to the extent that a request is sent to the DNS server and the server can be "very far" from the PC user) but this extra time is offset by the possibility of sending more messages simultaneously without having to have extra breaks between sending messages.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Easy share email is not connecting to server

    Increase the number of retries on error can increase the percentage of ultimate success, but it will slow the operation of transmission, particularly if the number of simultaneous connections is low. Complete this task to a later time since the window of the historic sending (after waiting a few minutes) may be a good solution.

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