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Thread: How to share an email domain name between 2 different Exchange

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    How to share an email domain name between 2 different Exchange


    I work now on the use of exchange and on how to share resources between several domain names. I have already put into practice the creation of shares of diaries, notes, contacts in "all public folders". Also now i am thinking to share the email (sending, reception) with EXCHANGE. Please tell me how to get rid of this problem.

    Thank you all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to share an email domain name between 2 different Exchange

    Sounds like you do not have an exchange server on your network which indicates that you do not have an Active Directory (AD) to manage user accounts. In this situation you just have to create a second mailbox and give access to your two email domains. The other option in Exchange Server 2003 is SMTP domains that are not local in your Exchange Organization. For sharing detail on a lower level than the free/busy you will require to setup an AD trust.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: How to share an email domain name between 2 different Exchange

    Sounds like you do not have an exchange server on your network which indicates that you do not have an Active Directory (AD) to manage user accounts. In this situation you just have to create a second mailbox and give access to your two email domains. The other option in Exchange Server 2003 is SMTP domains that are not local in your Exchange Organization. For sharing detail on a lower level than the free/busy you will require to setup an AD trust.
    I am not aware I have AD. Normally yes, since I exchange. can you tell me is there a way to verify that I have one. if I can create other mailboxes by specifying a right of access to 2 or 3 users. But in this case, it is necessary to create a new email address for receiving these messages private?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to share an email domain name between 2 different Exchange

    A widely used solution is to use user groups and assign a box for the groups. This enabled an easier maintenance, for example when a user leaves the shop for example. Otherwise, it's not easy to find all instances of that user. This also allows each user to have his own private box. This can for example also be found in several groups.

    ID box + Shipping
    The group id = Service_Expédition

    Users: User1 (Chief), User2 (sous chef), etc. ...

    The user1 can for example be part of the group with Chefs_Services box as: + Chefs_services. It will Allow the sending of messages to groups of boxes, only the reception. moreover must be done by the personal box.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: How to share an email domain name between 2 different Exchange

    I tried creating functional mailboxes on Outlook 2003 from Exchange 2003 server. In fact I want to create a box by function.


    And gave rights to different users as you have stated as in your example but i stucked in between the whole process of creating and configuring a ball to a group.

    Thank you for your information

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How to share an email domain name between 2 different Exchange

    In this situation you will have only two options , either you give rights to people via AD on the same box and they open letter to all the same, you give rights too and they provide a number. In Outlook it will configure them later.

    If the solution seems the best, a single inbox for many individuals, however it will not confidentiality within the group

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