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Thread: property error message "you do not have sufficient privilages for configuring connection properties." for trying to look up properties for my dial up and it's on VISTA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    property error message "you do not have sufficient privilages for configuring connection properties." for trying to look up properties for my dial up and it's on VISTA

    I'm having some hard times tring to get this propety tab to come up. It's on windows vista and I just need someone to help me out on trying to fix this problem.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: property error message "you do not have sufficient privilages for configuring connection properties." for trying to look up properties for my dial up and it's on VISTA

    Hi, to solve your problem regarding the error message of "you do not have sufficient privilages for configuring connection properties." you need to follow the steps below:
    • Click Start >> Run and then type command as dcomcnfg and press enter.
    • Expand Component Services first and then expand Computers. Now make right-click on your computer and select properties.
    • Select Default Properties tab and then click to select the Enable Distributed COM on this computer check box, if it is not already selected.
    • In the Default Impersonation Level box, click Identify and then ok.
    • To save the setting just restart your computer.
    • Done.

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