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Thread: How to set wordpress plugin to set date

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    How to set wordpress plugin to set date

    Does any one know about my new WordPress plugin called Atropos through which I can set an expiration date for posts. It would be beneficial for me if I could do such thing, because it is very useful for automatically getting rid of coupons when they are no longer valid. Please let me know. Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: How to set wordpress plugin to set date

    Wordpress plugin gives the user complete control over where and when the timestamp will be displayed.

    Download and unzip the plugin file.
    Upload the date-exclusion.php file to the root folder or the folder where you keep your directory it might be at the location /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    You need to Log in to your WordPress control panel, click on the “Plugins” tab, and click “Activate” next to the Date Exclusion plugin. You can create an event - the plugin will let people register for the event - it can also show a list of all the attendees.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: How to set wordpress plugin to set date

    In order to configure the plugin for your needs you will have to open the plugin file (date-exclusion.php). It’s a link to the category page, which lists the plugins. You can see the category page and the associated Posts just fine.You can do this on the Plugin Editor inside the Wordpress control panel.

    There are two ways you can use this plugin.

    1) In a post or page, insert the following line:

    <!-- ddlastfromeach -->
    2) In a template file, insert the following code:

    <?php echo dd_last_from_each(); ?>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: How to set wordpress plugin to set date

    Using some WordPress plugin magic, and user-agent detection, this plugin simply forwards all your feed traffic to FeedBurner. To exclude date information from all posts by default, set $exclude_date on line 30 equal to ‘yes’. This can be overridden on a post-by-post basis by setting “exclude_date” as a custom field with a value of “no”. This way, you get access, in fact, anyone can search for them and find them.

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