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Thread: MSMQ maximum message size

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    MSMQ maximum message size

    I had installed Windows Xp on my ssytem. I planning to installed MSMQ application on my system. Before i install it on my system, i would like to know that what is the maximum message size would i get on MSMQ. Can any body provide me the correct information on the above issue? Would be grateful to you if any body provides me the correct information on the above issue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: MSMQ maximum message size

    The maximum message size is still 4MB. Currently only MSMQT bypasses the 4MB limit, but this only works with BizTalk 2004, and there are other limitations with MSMQT as well. You can always chunk your data into smaller pieces in order to accomodate the 4MB limit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: MSMQ maximum message size

    Unfortunately MSMQ transport in WCF doesn't handle messages bigger than supported by MSMQ. The queued sessions also won't help, because the whole session has to fit into a single MSMQ message. Each instance of MSMQ on a server node maps 4 MB of the system view space when handling message activity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: MSMQ maximum message size

    Maximum message body size is 4MB (in serialized from). This results in a default limit of three active, working instances of MSMQ in a cluster node. In a server cluster with three MSMQ resources, a node could have four concurrent MSMQ services running the service running on the local node plus the three services associated with the MSMQ resources.

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