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Thread: Half-open limit fix (patch) for Window

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Half-open limit fix (patch) for Window

    Hello , can you Tell me About this Half-open limit fix (patch) for Window Thing And would like to know whether if someone has tested this and, more generally , I wanted to try This But i m Having some Fear that it might Damage my system or will not works Thank you in advance for your answers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Half-open limit fix (patch) for Window

    Program Half-open limit fix intend for changing maximum number of concurrent half-open outbound TCP connections (connection attempts) in system file tcpip.sys. This limit is entered by company Microsoft trying to make slower virus spreading from infect computer and cut down opportunities of participation of a computer in DoS attacks.First this limit was entered in SP2 for Windows XP and present at all new versions of Windows. Limit consists that the computer is not authorized to have more than 10 concurrent half-open outbound connections. At achievement of a limit new attempts of connections are put in turn.Thus, speed of connection to other computers is actually limited.This limit is especially critical for P2P programs (µTorrent, BitComet, eMule, P2P TV etc.) users. When the P2P program works, pages in a browser can be loaded extremely slowly. The delay before the beginning of opening can make some tens seconds irrespective of your internet connection speed.Half-open limit fix cleans this limit, that is increases the maximal limit of half-open connections. For the overwhelming majority of users there will be sufficient the limit equal 100.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Half-open limit fix (patch) for Window

    Half-open limit fix creates backup copy of edited tcpip.sys file, and you at any moment can restore the original file, pressing of one button. I have tried to make the program as much as possible safe. In any case, use the given program at own risk. I consider, that optimal value is equal 100. The further increasing the limit will have effect, only if you use simultaneously several P2P programs (µTorrent, BitComet, eMule, P2P TV etc.) or hold a server on a computer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Half-open limit fix (patch) for Window

    yes, the settings are hard-coded into the driver Tcpip.sys .... but the patch will change (hard) the tcpip.sys one amending the value that is encoded (by creating a file backup) . I use it for quite some time, and there is good improvement to transfer Network on the use of TORRENT (and similar P2P)

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