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Thread: Instant messenger services launch by Tata indicom

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Instant messenger services launch by Tata indicom

    Tata Indicom Messenger - New service launch

    wanna chat with your friends anytime, anywhere ? Give them real-time updates about yourself? NOW! You can chat, send, receive instant messages, add buddies, create groups, BUZZ your friend’s n much more only from your Tata Indicom Mobile….presenting the Tata Indicom Messenger!!

    Social Networking seems to be the ‘in’ thing these days. And Tata Indicom seems to be taking this quite seriously. Tata’s first attempt being Mobile Blogging, which offered users access to social networking sites and allowed them to scrap, add/ share photos and flaunt status messages.

    Features of Tata indicom messenger
    • Send and receive instant messages among Tata Indicom friends
    • Create your profile, preferences, change your availability status
    • Add buddies, create buddy lists, view their status, BUZZ your buddies
    • Even if your friends don’t have Tata Indicom Messenger, we will deliver your IM as an SMS and they can chat through SMS.
    • If you send an IM to your offline buddies, we will send them an SMS asking them to log on

    You can download the Tata Indicom Messenger from Tata Zone. it will Cost: Rs.49 for a month,No additional charges. This IM Services can be used only among Tata Indicom users
    We endorse perversion and call it an alternative lifestyle
    We kill our unborn and call it choice
    We pollute the air with profanity and pornography and call it freedom of expression
    98% of the teenage population will try, does or has tried smoking pot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Instant messenger services launch by Tata indicom

    On what handsets can I use the Indicom Messenger?
    "Let us remember that our interest is in concord, not conflict, and that our real eminence rests in the victories of peace, not those of war." -McKinley

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Instant messenger services launch by Tata indicom

    Hi you can use this service on Nokia 2865, Nokia 6275, Nokia 3155, Nokia 6155, Nokia 6235, Nokia 6255, Nokia 6265, Pantech PA-711, Huawei C-506, Moto - A840, Moto Razr V3C, Samsung T-Nimbus
    We endorse perversion and call it an alternative lifestyle
    We kill our unborn and call it choice
    We pollute the air with profanity and pornography and call it freedom of expression
    98% of the teenage population will try, does or has tried smoking pot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Instant messenger services launch by Tata indicom

    I also have another Instant Messenger to share with everyone which is the Friendplay IM. Friendplay Instant Messenger can connect to your MSN, AIM, Gtalk and YM then chatting with your friends with your mobile phone. Download it for free from , and intall it into your phone and stay connected with everyone..... ENJOY.....

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