
Tag: kid icarus uprising

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  1. Upcoming Video games for 2012

    Started by cobra2008‎, 04-01-2012 01:42 PM
    video game, ps 3, pc game, xbox, halo 4, tomb raider, final fantasy xiii, console game, aliens colonial marines, max payne 3, tekken, guild wars 2, xcom, twisted metal, kid icarus uprising, street fighter x, kingdoms of amalur, the darkness ii, the last guardian, gta v, uncharted golden abyss, tcgr future soldier, ssx, soul calibur v, silent hill downpour, reckoning, ninja gaiden iii, hitman absolutio, animal crossing 3ds
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,475
    Last Post: 04-01-2012 03:49 PM
    by Trog  Go to last post


  2. Best Upcoming Video Games for Nintendo 3DS

    Started by Orton‎, 07-04-2011 07:21 PM
    video game, upcoming game, legend of zelda, nintendo 3ds, pilotwings resort, steel diver, star fox 64, resident evil mercenaries, ocarina of time, kid icarus uprising, dead alive dimensions, combat of giants, asphalt 3d, super streetfighter iv
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,435
    Last Post: 07-04-2011 07:21 PM
    by Orton  Go to last post

    Video Games

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