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Thread: Wordpress performance monitoring plug-in

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Wordpress performance monitoring plug-in

    I am trying to find a plug-in that can simply enhance and boost up performance of wordpress site. I am not able to find anything that is very helpful. I have to recommend a few good plugs to some of my clients who are looking for a better performance report on their sites. For that I had tried searching on the web but it looks there are quiet advance tool and most of them are paid. Looks like there is nothing better under the free edition. Is there anyone using a good plug-in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wordpress performance monitoring plug-in

    When it comes to performance, then you have to work with multiple plug-in. You won't be able to work with a single one and get the output that you are looking for. There are multiple plug-in. But there are chances that your site might get slowed down if you add all of them together. One of the biggest decision you have to take is to use the right hosting provider. So that there you get a good speed. After that you can add a few good plug-in like wpcache which will further boost your site performance more giving you a better output.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wordpress performance monitoring plug-in

    Plug-ins are not going to give you everything. There are other more things to check if you need a lot more better speed of your wordpress website. Like you can simply use a plug-in that can enhance the output of MySQL. It will optimize the database output and will give you a better site output. There is a plug-in called a query monitor that will help you more in finding out the site performance. You can see how much queries are on your site and what is causing the slow down problem. And on that basis you can deal with the site output.

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