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Thread: How to get rid of ads from vbulletin header top

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    How to get rid of ads from vbulletin header top

    I am using Vbulletin. The version is 4.2 something. My site was hacked long before and I had removed all the things and reset the templates. But there was some issue again. I had seen a lot of time when I reset the templates I am getting the ad on the top side. There was a yellow notice bar before. But now there is that ad which redirect my site to some adult site.I had tried a lot to remove this thing. I went in the database and check everything but I am unable to get rid of that. Vbulletin support is not helpful at all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: How to get rid of ads from vbulletin header top

    First create a full cpanel backup. And download it. So that if anything wrong happens you can restore all things back again as it was before. Second you have to find the header template. You have to check inside header and headinclude. There might be link on that. You have to find the link of ad also. You can find that in Google Chrome. Open the site and right click on the ad and click on inspect element. You will get the ad code. Search for that and delete it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: How to get rid of ads from vbulletin header top

    You site is still hacked. This is a big issue actually and it is a time consuming process. I can give you a very instant fix for the same. But the ad will not be completely remove it will hide and in place of that you can see that yellow notice bar of vbulletin. For that go in Admincp > Style Manager > Select your theme > Ad Location Template > ad_global_below_navbar. Open it. If there is any code in that then delete it. If it is empty they just type any random text like abcd, or notice. Anything and then save the template. Now clear your cookies and check.

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