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Thread: Geolocation detection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Geolocation detection

    can anyone help me with technique to detect location (in India) of the user so that relevant data can be shown to the user. I tried to search on google and found that html5 can help to do this but it asks user's permission to access the location details. Is there any other way to detect it without permission

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Geolocation detection

    You will need an ip address for searching the location of any user, anyhow, check out an alternative structure for the functions that uses IP geolocation of google for fallback:

    if (navigator.geolocation) {
      navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(updatePosition, ipPosition, { options... });
    } else {
    function ipPosition() {
    function updatePosition(position) {
      if (position == null) {
        return updatePosition(defaultPlace());
      // Firefox 3.6 passes in a non-standard position object with lat/lng at the top level instead of in .coords
      var coords = (position.hasOwnProperty("coords")) ? position.coords : position;
      if (coords == null) {
        return updatePosition(defaultPlace());

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