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Thread: Want a batch file to change hosts permissions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Want a batch file to change hosts permissions.

    I want to have the computers in my office secured such that no employee of mine should visit social networking sites and pornographic sites. I wanted a batch file which will disable access to websites I add address of so that they are inaccessible. Also the batch file should provide feature such that on activating it, it will again give access to the websites that are blocked. Sometimes, a social networking site too provides important information, which is why I want such a batch file. Can someone tell me if such a batch file is available, if yes, where to find it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Want a batch file to change hosts permissions.

    why do you want to take such troubles in creating a batch file that will just block certain websites by editing the host files. Instead you can get software that can block websites. Even if you create a batch file, you will have to place it individually in every computer that too for every user on it. Again batch file is very easy to edit and a person with enough knowledge can do it easily. So it is recommended to use the parental control softwares. These softwares can be installed on the server of your office and it will block those websites on every computer connected to it. You can even manage the permissions remotely.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Want a batch file to change hosts permissions.

    Even if you create a batch file successfully, you will have to keep it updated. It is almost impossible to block every pornographic site because there are lakhs of them present from every country in the world. It would be like the main code would consist of 15 lines and names of the websites will be lakhs of line. You might be successful in blocking the social networking sites, but not others. So you should go for parental control softwares and install them on the server. This will filter searches and also deny employees access to any web pages which are inappropriate in nature.

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