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Thread: HELP - add new line in text file without format changed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    HELP - add new line in text file without format changed

    i get the script from other forum. but im still have problem with the format after processing.

    this is my script.
    SET origfile="C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\test1\before.txt"
    SET tempfile="C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\test1\after.txt"
    SET insertbefore=4
    FOR /F %%C IN ('FIND /C /V "" ^<%origfile%') DO SET totallines=%%C

    <%origfile% (FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,%totallines%) DO (
    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
    SET /P L=
    IF %%i==%insertbefore% ECHO(
    ) >%tempfile%
    COPY /Y %tempfile% %origfile% >NUL
    DEL %tempfile%

    this script i save as run1.bat. after running, the format is out of order

    original file
    header 1<--here got tab delimited format--><--here got tab delimited format-->
    header 2<--here got tab delimited format--><--here got tab delimited format-->
    header 3<--here got tab delimited format--><--here got tab delimited format-->
    details 1
    details 2

    header 1<--tab delimited is missing--><--tab delimited is missing-->
    header 2<--tab delimited is missing--><--tab delimited is missing-->
    header 3<--tab delimited is missing--><--tab delimited is missing-->

    details 1
    details 2

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: HELP - add new line in text file without format changed

    Maybe something like below can help you sort out the problem:

    @echo OFF
    :: Get the number of lines in the file
    set LINES=0
    for /f "delims==" %%I in (data.txt) do (
        set /a LINES=LINES+1
    :: Print the last 10 lines (suggestion to use more courtsey of dmityugov)
    set /a LINES=LINES-10
    more +%LINES% < data.txt

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: HELP - add new line in text file without format changed

    where to i put this code under mine script? please advise

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