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Thread: Where can I get free HTML Wallpaper Script

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Where can I get free HTML Wallpaper Script

    I have created one HTML page on which I want to add some script for changing the wallpaper. As I am new to the HTML world, I would like to ask you guys about showing me some of the HTML Script example for wallpapers. Though I have tried to search about it a lot but didn't got anything free on an internet. So finally I have came here with the hope that here I will get some masters of HTML who might like to help me, Please Help me!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Where can I get free HTML Wallpaper Script

    Here I have provided one example of HTML script that you can use on your HTML form in order to tweak up the functionality of the wallpaper while changing them. Though I am not so sure that this script would be useful for you but at least you would be getting an idea about how it works.

    <HTML </ TITLE> </ HEAD> <BODY> with no line and no column <table id="tableau" border=4> <tr> <td onmouseover = "tableau.rows [1]. cells [2]. background = 'c: / my documents / my pictures / strange / roue.bmp' "> a-1 </ td> <td> a-2 </ td> <td> a-3 </ td> </ tr> <td> b-1 </ td> <td> b-2 </ td> <td background = "c: / my documents / my pictures / strange / caisse.bmp "> b-2 to modify <br> line 2 </ td> </ tr> </ table> with ID <table id="tableau2" border=4> <tr> <td onmouseover = 'document. getElementById ("mod"). background = "c: / My Documents / My pictures / strange / roue.bmp" '> a-1 </ td> <td> a-2 </ td> <td> a- 3 </ td> </ tr> <td> b-1 </ td> <td> b-2 </ td> <td id = "mod" background = "c: / my documents / my pictures / Strange / caisse.bmp "> b-2 to modify <br> line 2 </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ BODY> </ HTML>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Where can I get free HTML Wallpaper Script

    Here is the code that allows you to do this:

    	 <! - Author: HackTrack ->
    		 Demo <title> selection background color </ title>
    		 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    			 changeBackgroundColor function (elm) {
    			 window.status =; =;
    		 </ Script>
    			 table, tr, td {
    				 margin: 0px;
    				 padding: 0px;
    				 border: solid 1px # 0f0f0f;
    			 div {
    				 width: 50px;
    				 height: 50px;
    		 </ Style>
    	 </ Head>
    				 <th colspan="4"> Choose the background color </ th>
    			 </ Tr>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #000000;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #111111;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #222222;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #333333;"> </ div> </ td>
    			 </ Tr>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #444444;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #555555;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #666666;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #777777;"> </ div> </ td>
    			 </ Tr>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #888888;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #999999;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #aaaaaa;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #bbbbbb;"> </ div> </ td>
    			 </ Tr>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #cccccc;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #dddddd;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #eeeeee;"> </ div> </ td>
    				 <td> <div onclick="javascript: changeBackgroundColor(this);" style="background-color: #ffffff;"> </ div> </ td>
    			 </ Tr>			
    		 </ Table>
    	 </ Body>
     </ Html>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Where can I get free HTML Wallpaper Script

    This script use to change the background image used in the page from the link. Shows how to attach to a regular (clicked) link, or how to activate the background image change on the mouseover. Easy. Place this script immediately after the <body> tag of your page. You can add as many images as you wish, see the instructions in the script. It's best to use very small (file size, that is) to get images optimal performance. Note that the number in brackets [] in the backimage [] array is the number you use to call will each image from the changebgimage function.

    <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left"><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Copyright 2001 by // Please do *not* remove this notice.</span> <script language="JavaScript"> <! - / / Copyright 2001 by / / do * Not * Please remove this notice.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">var backImage = new Array(); // don't change this // Enter the image filenames you wish to use.</span> backImage var = new Array (); / / do not change this / / Enter the image filenames you wish to use.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">// Follow the pattern to use more images.</span> / / Follow the pattern to use more images.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The // number in the brackets [] is the number you // will use in the function call to pick each // image.</span> The / / number in the Brackets [] is the number you / / Will use in the call to pick Each function / / image.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">// Note how backImage[3] = "" -- which would // set the page to *no* background image.</span> / / Note how backImage [3] = "" - Which Would / / set the page to * no * background image.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">backImage[0] = "11.jpg"; backImage[1] = "22.jpg"; backImage[2] = "33.jpg"; backImage[3] = ""; // Do not edit below this line.</span> backImage [0] = "11.jpg"; backImage [1] = "22.jpg"; backImage [2] = "33.jpg"; backImage [3] = "" / / DO NOT edit below this line.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">//----------------------------- function changeBGImage(whichImage){ if (document.body){ document.body.background = backImage[whichImage]; } } //--> </script></span> //----------------------------- ChangeBGImage function (whichImage) {if (document.body) {= document.body.background backImage [whichImage];}} //--> </ scripting></span>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Where can I get free HTML Wallpaper Script

    There are two examples below. The first shows how to set up a link so it that will change the background image on mouseover. The second shows how to set up a link that will change the background image when i clicked.

    <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left"><!-- Example One -- changing bg image with mouseOver.</span> <! - Example one - changing bg image with mouseover.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Set the number in the () in the changeBGImage() function to the number of the color in the brackets in the backImage[] array to select a given image.</span> The number in the set () in the changeBGImage () function to the number of the color in the Brackets in the backImage [] array to select a given image.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">//--> <a href="#" onMouseOver="javascript:changeBGImage(2)">Change</a> <!-- Example Two -- changing bg image with a mouse click.</span> //--> <a Href="#" onMouseOver="javascript:changeBGImage(2)"> Change </ a> <! - Example Two - changing bg image with a mouse click.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Set the number in the () in the changeBGImage() function to the number of the image in the brackets in the backImage[] array to select a given image.</span> Set the number in the () changeBGImage in the () function to the number in the image of the Brackets in the backImage [] array to select the given image.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">//--> <a href="javascript:changeBGImage(1)">Change</a></span> //--> <a Change href="javascript:changeBGImage(1)"> </ a></span>

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