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Thread: Disabling Nepomuk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Disabling Nepomuk

    Can someone tell me how do I get rid of these Nepomuk (KDE 3.5.0, SuSE 11.2)? Unfortunately, the service is somewhat stubborn :-) Although I was in the advanced System Preferences / Desktop search and startup scripts all disabled, had the Nepomuk server starts every time you log on. I've my kde4 directory, but found nothing in it. How do I get rid of this stuff? While not having them triggered by the system settings .... I find these services active in the system monitor, I noticed in the need to kill a process. Hoping that someone will help me sooner. Also I am not aware that you can toggle through akonadi system settings. So also provide some useful solutions including that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    I am not aware that you can toggle through akonadi system settings.
    Is automatically activated when you start KDE PIM application that already supports it or use some plasmoids (I'm not sure, but I think the calendar). Nepomuk is and will always need the whole infrastructure of the desktop, more and more programs use it more or less visibly. From System Settings, when you disable nepomuk, disables the ability to manage and search using labels / comments /..., not you make sure the total decommissioning of all process related nepomuk. I suppose you do not want them active because they feel responsible for problems ... have you tried to disable string only (which is not part of nepomuk)?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    Thanks for the reply. nepomuk / string are asieme, the second as a result of activation of the first, and I never activated, as the DE that I use in KDE4.5.0 presents instability problems, which I have already posted and reported to, I saw them presence in management processes as an anomaly, of which the post ...... I have krash's dolphin due to segmentation fault of kdeinit4. I hope to evolve positively as soon as possible with updates.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    Yes I love KDE. But the Semantic Desktop talk I do not understand. Now I've done it once and let me nepomuk run times. The result:
    827M data ... for what? So that my computer was looking? So I better things (= files) think that I myself have tagged? So that my computer-oriented, which photos I sent my friends already and what not? This setting my computer, who else is in my photos on it and who, what music is cool? This can and knows everything better myself. I do not mind. Where is the "killer app" is? Even more: what should I do to even this Stasi software that scans my computer, it takes 100% CPU and almost dirty 1G on the disk? I have looked with videos of Sebastian deceit (Nepomuk-Dev) and surfed to the relevant pages, but there's nothing. The tenor is "Oh, yes, this is very important, will revolutionize the desktop! This is so cool because you can order ..." and then there's always something, and I think to myself, I can completely do without right now. Why bother?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    I feel the same .... so I'm on two of my three systems and global USE = "semantic-desktop" set ... well, I am also so paranoid and use no Contact (KDE personal information manager), at least not at a computer where a network cable is tuned. But the future will probably expect more and more difficult as more and more programs require Nepomuk or ... Sorry, I would not like to join it. I'm not as sure what is the added value of the whole. I think, to be built in the long run a system that the Administration and the Order of the data is completely itself. So that I no longer own create a directory structure in order to find my files (eg images). Maybe you need a late night no longer file manager.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    Well, KDE PIM requires mandatory from 4.4 Press the semantic-desktop:
    # Cat / usr/portage/kde-base/kdepim-runtime/kdepim-runtime-4.4.0.ebuild
     # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
     # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
     # $ Header: / var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/kde-base/kdepim-runtime/kdepim-runtime-4.4.0.ebuild, v 1.2 02/11/2010 23:33:12 abcd Exp $
    EAPI = "2" if [[$ {PV} * 9999 *]] then         KMNAME = "kdepim"         KMMODULE = "runtime"         inherit kde4-meta else 
    DESCRIPTION = "KDE PIM runtime plugin collection"
     KEYWORDS = "~ amd64 ~ x86 ~ amd64 ~ x86-linux-linux"
     IUSE = "debug" DEPEND = "         app-misc/strigi         > = App-office/akonadi-server-1.2.1         
             dev-libs/libxml2: 2
             $ (Add_kdebase_dep kdelibs 'semantic-desktop')
             $ (Add_kdebase_dep kdepimlibs 'akonadi')
             $ (Add_kdebase_dep libkdepim)
     RDEPEND = "$ {DEPEND}
             $ (Add_kdebase_dep kdepim-icons)
     " add_blocker akonadi '<04/03/1990'
    The line with "$ (add_kdebase_dep kdelibs ..." is it. Nepomuk If not running, then complains Contact the Akondai would be there now neutered very strong

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    And I think here lies the conflict. We use the PCs for over 10 years, we collected a huge pile of files together and this mountain, placed in a logical structure for us. Of course, we tend to the structure that we have established themselves as the best and the feeling is so fine too. Tagging For people who are just starting now with the collection of files, then edit and clean, so to find them again later, for this, the indexing of files certainly an advantage. They are thus no longer dependent to structure files to the mountains and remember Ofad there. You can find them so fast and determined in the future than we are. I use the search but not, but this will probably try for a while. Maybe you get used to it and is there for anything better? Mhh, I'm definitely curious about what is to come the whole story.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    The search I had grad still open, because I was preparing for an exam tomorrow. And search engines that deal with IPsec. Of course you can say yes, then I should sort my documents better. But I can argue the other way around, my documents are sorted by subject and not lecture on the subject, but from documents of other lectures I think perhaps what I need here now. And honestly, if one does not necessarily part of social desktop or something that KDE programs are quite talkative with other systems. Quite different from Windows, can be caused by the one that Win 8 without internet no longer boots up. I have a friend who is also quite paranoid as for its privacy and for this reason it is on (Red) KDE programs, because he sure where more confidence that this deal confidentially with his data than any Windows programs the heaps of data about send any statistics to build that does not need. You can disable Nepomuk course, but consider it one. Nepomuk provides nothing more than an indexed text search. The advantage of Nepomuk is simple, it unifies the search of many different programs, which can simplify the search extreme. I can now not only files but also looking at the same email which has something to do with (in my case) to IPsec. And all in a search. I must not now seek each program separately.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    And if you need the computer time, the Nepomuk to index the files on your nerves, then you should either disable or Strigi times to see what all Strigi indexed. By default Strigi indexes your entire home directory. For me it is just necessary to index 2 directories and not all 12 that are currently in my home directory! would otherwise be bypassed after the initial indexing Nepomuk / Strigi quite friendly with the CPU, have since the initial indexing (after update to 4.4 was a new need) not seen that it would take up the CPU excessively. As regards the size of Nepomuk database, I would prefer, I have 1 (!) Times 800MB wasted on a search index, as each program has its own search index and I so on X times X MB hundreds come. My Firefox eats, for example since I enabled the indexed search, every day several new pure MB. Atm covers the entire Mail folder 2.3 GB (!). Since I will probably have to muck out times. I will not even know how to waste much space the indexed searching for other programs that have swallowed their own and "unnecessary" disk space. For me, the place that needs at least not a waste of Nepomuk. Have previously also used like Beagle, but that was when I was between time again as a Gnome desktop in action. Somehow I get but always go back to KDE.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Restarting Nepomuk and its services

    I am explaining you about the restarting Nepomuk and its services. The Nepomuk services are controlled by the nepomuk server application Which is started on KDE login. The nepomuk server will take care of starting and stopping all services. It is possible to stop the server and all services altogether by simply calling a D-Bus method:
    # Qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer / nepomuk server \

    It can then be restarted by simply calling nepomuk server again. In many situations it might be debugging of interest to pipe the output of the server (and all services) to a file:
    Nepomuk server # 2> / tmp / nepomuk.stderr
    So interesting to know is that Nepomuk defines a set of debugging areas for the services and the server itself. Use kdebugdialog to enable or disable them. Or one can stop and start single services. In most cases this is sufficient since each service is run in its own process. Thus, changes to a service plugins will be picked up directly:
    # Qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer / service manager \
    org.kde.nepomuk.ServiceManager.stopService <servicename>

    # Qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer / service manager \
    org.kde.nepomuk.ServiceManager.startService <servicename>

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Disabling Nepomuk

    Starting Nepomuk Sever from the trunk in Ubuntu is mentioned in details here. Ubuntu packages virtuoso slightly differently. It provides a package called virtuoso-nepomuk Which installs the executable virtuoso-t in the / usr / lib / virtuoso / directory for security purposes. When running from the trunk of Nepomuk, the nepomuk server is unable to find the virtuoso-t executable, And Therefore the service fails to initialize nepomuk storage. One way to fix this is to adjust the PATH environment variable.
    PATH = / usr / lib / virtuoso: $ PATH
    export PATH

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