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Thread: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    I am using this Intel fortan compiler on my Linux operating system, it was working fine but now it is giving me error at the time compiling. To be more precise it is giving me catastrophic error on my Linux operating system. Currently I am using ifort version 11.1.064. The error I am getting is this ifort ifort_error_foo.f90 and description of this is thing is that it is a catastrophic error. See I am not having any related idea why I am getting this error but I need the solution for the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    Well this kind of problem normally occurs or depends on the type of result and also because of the pure function. I am not sure that this will help you but according to me the iteration over the procedure is working but there can be a problem with the encapsulation of the array in the derived type. In this case you can try to take the procedure as the argument.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    According to me this problem is because of the compiler that you are using, it will be better if you download the latest one. I will suggest Intel Fortran Compiler 9 for Non-commercial, academic and fine use Linux for free disposal. Unfortunately, the compiler exists only in the form of an RPM package. On this page I will describe how the compiler can be installed under Ubuntu yet. This is done by Alien own Deb package built one, so that the software be easily removed again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    The best places you look at the location requested a working directory ifort on. Here, only the i386 architecture is treated, for the other contained in the package but are basically the same steps needed. In the top unzipped directory can be found in the subdirectory data / various packages (*. rpm), which contain the software to be installed. The compiler for the i386 architecture is found in the file intel-ifort9-version. i386.rpm. The debugger in intel-iidb9-version. i386.rpm. These two files are in this newly created directory ifort copied. Then you go into this ifort directory.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    I totally agree with the above reply but it will be better if you know about this: First, the compiler, which is available in rpm format, extracting and matching the same time created a Debian-structure, ie the conversion with alien must be made with an intermediate step. By using the option -g of alien subdirectories are created two new:ifort9-intelversion contains the data that the Alien RPM package is created. intel-ifort9-version. orig containing the original data from the RPM package. Now, in the newly created directory intel-ifort9-version switch.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    The RPM package in the proposed directory structure is not optimal for Ubuntu. In this guide, all files in / usr / local aside. There, the executables and libraries are found by default, and yet are "out of the way." This makes it necessary, however, the / usr / local / lib path to the linker to make later. This can be avoided if usr / local / lib by usr / lib is replaced. If the software should be installed in different paths, the scripts must be adjusted accordingly.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    If the assembled Ubuntu package is not to be disclosed, and the license file will also be removed when uninstalling, you can now file the license, which came by mail from Intel (R), are inserted at the appropriate location:
    Pfad_zur_Lizenz cp / * *. lic _for_l_ usr/local/share/doc/fc/9.1/licenses

    It needs to be there all the correct path to the individual components are registered. This is achieved through the following steps:
    sed-i-e 's | <INSTALLDIR> / licenses | / usr/local/share/doc/fc/9.1/licenses | g' \-i-e 's | #! / bin / sh | # / I! / bash | g '\-i-e' s

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Catastrophic error with ifort 11.1.064 on Linux

    Then it is finally time that the Debian package can be built. In general, it would also be possible now simply the entire usr / Unterverzeicheinis in the root / hineinzukopieren. However, this would greatly complicate an uninstall. There are finally, dpkg, and it is only one line to the comfortable Ubuntu Package:
    The. Deb can hold:
    sudo dpkg-buildpackage-us-B
    in the terminal building.

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