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Thread: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    question NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    Well we have a normal network for our MIS system
    However in some remote branches,we cannot access the MIS system
    The branches in the remote areas have a Nat IP.
    The internet connection to those branches is given by a local internet service provider
    The local service provider has assigned a different Web Address.
    when we use the web address given by the local service provider we get the following page

    " <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <doc>
    - <assembly>
    - <members>
    - <member name="P:KKK.ASC.UI.Selection.My.Resources.Resources.ResourceManager">
    <summary>Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.</summary>
    - <member name="P:KKK.ASC.UI.Selection.My.Resources.Resources.Culture">
    <summary>Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.</summary>
    - <member name="T:KKK.ASC.UI.Selection.My.Resources.Resources">
    <summary>A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.</summary>

    In some offices ,it gives the username and password screen
    When we enter the username and password,
    It gives an unhandled exception error
    The details of the error are as follows
    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
    at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    Server stack trace:
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http.HttpClientTransportSink.ProcessAndSend(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders headers, Stream inputStream)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http.HttpClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.SoapClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)

    Exception rethrown at [0]:
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
    at KKK.ASC.UI.Interface.ILogin.LogOut(String strUserId)
    at ASC_Compilation_.frmStartUp.frmStartUp_FormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.CheckCloseDialog(Boolean closingOnly)"

    Please guide me in this matter
    Last edited by ashenoy; 12-08-2010 at 04:17 PM. Reason: for elaborate explanation

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    Please check to make sure that your computer, on port 8080 is able to receive the connection response. As you may know, a TCP/IP connection involves a three-way handshake: your computer will send a SYN request to the remote machine, which is to respond to you with SYN+ACK. Your computer is then meant to send back an ACK. If this does not work, you will need to look at the network traffic using a tool like Microsoft Network Monitor
    Blessings to you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    sad Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    Can there be a chance of lack of bandwidth or Latency
    The framework used is .Net Framework.
    Let me elaborate as to what's happening
    Our application works on normal lease lines but in remote areas,our client use
    a different Internet Service Provider as the normal lease lines don't have access to remote locations where there is no possibility of a cable connection
    Hence VSAT is used
    I need to get to the root of this error as i wanna know "Is it a development issue or a network issue".
    The offices in these remote locations use a NAT IP
    Hence i need to see the crux of the issue

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    Have you tried the command : #clear ip nat translation * and then try to create static nat. I don't know much about .NET Webservices but I may be right to say it is possible that it's because of your connection to the Internet that you are unable to access Web Services. You are probably running your server behind a proxy. You may search for alternatives or seek a direct connection

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    unsure Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    On normal lease lines the service seems to be workin' fine
    However in offices which are in remote areas,Nat ip is used and the type of connection is VSAT
    Hence the internet is provided by a local service provider
    Say we use a web address a.b.c.d for accesing the MIS server
    But in those remote areas,the people who are using the local service provider's Vsat,the web address used is different.say instead of a.b.c.d they use a different web address x.y.z.v
    Will port forwarding help ???
    if so who should open the ports,the server or the local service provider
    Please help

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    Try to do the following:

    1) Change the website to listen to ALL UNASSIGNED ip addresses
    2) Change the host headers (under advanced) to "Default" (thus removing any reference to the local NATTED address if any).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    idea Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    i am a little confused as we have an IP to Ip network
    Will port forwarding help.
    IF yes,how do you enable port listening
    Can you please elaborate the step by which we can enable
    port listening
    What are the set of commands to be used
    How do you go about it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    You can use the NETSTAT command to quickly see all the used and listening ports on your computer. Note it is not a complete substitute for a port scanning tool. If you'd like to have your computer remotely scanned for open ports use our Security Scan instead. More information here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    sad Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    What questions should i ask my network admin so that we can resolve the issue
    The most important thing i need to know if it is a Network issue or a Development issue?
    Will listening to ports help.
    -Please guide me further as i am an amateur and need help for resolution

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: NAT IP .Net Framework Unhandled exception error

    After much research ,i found out a thing or two about the error i receive
    Below is the error i see when i try to login into the MIS system
    System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
    at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Bool ean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
    A network socket error in a client server scenario occurs when there is a
    timeout error due to bandwidth and latency.Now i am stuck between a Rock and a Hard place as i dont know what changes i need to make in a .Net remoting application.i am using and how can i make the changes and where to make the changes?
    If that doesn't work ,then maybe i will go for port forwarding

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