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Thread: Bookmarkable dynamic pages without HTTP GET in JSF

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Bookmarkable dynamic pages without HTTP GET in JSF

    I need to know of someone of you are having the issue of providing bookmarkable pages without using HTTP GET in JSF ? Just make it clear with the help of an example a site/application just as Bugzilla, it relies actually heavily on the query string to suggest the bookmarkable "My Bugs" and different such results; how would you suggest a site as that with actual JSF with the help of HTTP POSTs on any location ?

    Somebody suggested that the W3C allows HTTP POSTS any location for a best one site, but with today's dynamically created sites and CMS systems, how can it be the case?

    I am not searching for a workaround as the JavaScript procedure=get solution, consider a user that configured the JavaScript as turned off... I don't need to have my site properly in breakable status and unusable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Bookmarkable dynamic pages without HTTP GET in JSF

    There are some of the consideration about this issue and you know I am actually pretty newbie for the JSF, so I don't have any cure idea that what I am getting at the particular problem that you are trying to deal with, but here goes...

    1. You can specifically go with the control as <h:outputLink> to generate the hyperlinks which have params in them (with nested <f:param> tags). I would consider that if this reference took you to a JSF page, it would "do the right thing." But can be not...haven't tried this .

    2. I think , what would happen if you tag your own renderer for <h:form> which is used to get instead of post . This doesn't seems as a better suggestion , but...?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Bookmarkable dynamic pages without HTTP GET in JSF

    Thanks for your suggestion .

    1) The issue is not so much consuming me where I have to go, the problem is just after I found there, the URL within the address bar of your browser (which subsequently is what makes up a Bookmark) would easily not show entire parameters used to get you there.

    2) I am desperately thinking that it is not what is needed but you may be fine .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Bookmarkable dynamic pages without HTTP GET in JSF

    I am just considering on this issue (and I have only been performing JSF for a month so just treat it as a grain of salt)is that the data which is being used to be put into the query strings and can perhaps be issue within the address bar itself, and then some clever use of a custom ViewHandler are bale to map this properly onto the associated jsp

    I am sure with a bit of hacking methodologies and you could get the implementation of it with JSP's as well. Then again, commonly you and I are skipping something . I can't believe that the JSF designer wouldn't have considered about the bookmarking and it was necessary either!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Bookmarkable dynamic pages without HTTP GET in JSF

    if you click on the hyperlink, it's moving to work with the GET fine ? I am not just discussing about a <h:commandLink> that submits a form (and must be associated in the complex way and under a form tag), I am discussing about an <h:outputLink> that would just make a easy drawn <a> tag. So, for instance, this:
    <h:outputLink value="somepage.faces"><f:param name="foo" value="bar" />foo</h:outputLink>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Bookmarkable dynamic pages without HTTP GET in JSF

    I moved around such type of little and noticed that the presence of the query parameter affects how JSF manages the request . Unavailability of the query param, only the Restore View and Render Response phases are accessed , but with the query parameter , you receive the complete request processing lifecycle.

    I am not 100% sure that what the absolute method through which it can process these params in JSF is required to consider about such type of little more. One more thing that is not sure that it handles entire problems you have to care about...According to me that based on what you need the target page to do. If this is a form which accessed back to the same page, you will lose such type of query params when you send the form for processing , for sure...

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