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Thread: Manual backup via WebHost Manager

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Manual backup via WebHost Manager

    My host has found this problem and sent me an email telling me that "I" does not shut my SQL connections. It also gave me a snippet of my table sys_session, but I do not know what it represents. So I think MySQLDumper must do his job poorly, but do you have an idea to fix that, or you know a way to automatically back up Linux's website hosted on a shared server? Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Manual backup via WebHost Manager

    It is not fast for backup, but every backup MySQLDymper makes are complete, it is much more stable than the cpanel or other tools provided by our host I lost a full site backup caused by a bad one cpanel, the two backups were not complete MySQLDymper our lives easier for a simple relocation of the BDD or a table. Of course it is not perfect, but it has a lot of quality, if one day your BDD grows too large, you will really appreciate MySQLDymper.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Manual backup via WebHost Manager

    You need to change XXX the red respectively user name (The database), the password and end DB name, For which blue is the address where the backup will be saved it must be strictly outside the site root (www, home, html or public_html). This command will create a weekly full backup of the database or compressed gz ds the specified directory, end do not forget to clean once a month for example, in case of trouble the last backup via importer mysqldumper not forget to clear the table mxPREFIX_sys_session.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Manual backup via WebHost Manager

    It is not possible to make a partial restoration because it delete your account. If you want to download files via FTP to your own and let us know where he is, you can unpack for you on the server in a folder. This way, you can work with it, but as a backup is only intended to be used on the same server that you have saved, it will not in the DB-domains, etc. If you download it, I can unpack and you can play with your files once they are on the server, or you can unpack it at home and download only what you need.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Manual backup via WebHost Manager

    You need to download a backup of your MySQL database
    * To access the menuBackup", Click on the icon"Backup"In the main screen of your cPanel interface.
    * Click on the name of the database that you wish to download below the wordsDownload Database".
    * Save the file to your computer.

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