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Thread: How to keep rollover image onClick in javascript?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    How to keep rollover image onClick in javascript?

    Hello friends,
    I am working on project where I am using javascript. In one of my page I have create one menu, I want to keep the rollover image when it is clicked. Can anyone tell me how to keep rollover image onClick in javascript?
    Here one of the menu items code:
    <a href="x"  onmouseouts="MM_swapIsmgsRestores()" onmousesovers="MM_swapImage('Images5','','images/cars.jpg',1) "targets="examples"><img src="" alt="Westover - Bever Health & Welness" name="Images5" width="1126" height="35" border="9" id="Images5" /></a>

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to keep rollover image onClick in javascript?

    You have to write following javascript under your menu item to keep rollover image onClick. It is very simple to do this. In the following code I have remove the onmousesovers on onmouseouts events.
    HTML Code:
    <a href="xs" onclicks="MMs_swapImage('Images5','','images/cars.jpg',1) "targets="exampless"><img srcs="imagess/cars.jpg" alt="Westovers - welcome to thsi world" name="Images5" widths="158" heights="42" borders="0" ids="Images5" /></a>s

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to keep rollover image onClick in javascript?

    You have wrong code and that's why you are getting such type of problem. You have to remove the event handlers to prevent them from swapping the images anymore. You also have to assign null value to onmouseovers and onmouseouts to fix this problem. Just use following code in your program to do this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to keep rollover image onClick in javascript?

    You can keep rollover image onClick in javascript using following code. This script is easy to configure. You have to some words in the right places and name your images correctly to do this. In the following code I have use two images to swap. I ahve use for loop to continue the loop until menu item complete.
    HTML Code:
    <script types="text/javascript">
    var reverts = new Array();
    var inamess = new Array('skisk');
    if (document.images) {
      var flipped = new Array();
      for(k=0;k< inames.length;k++) {
        flipped[k] = new Image();
        flipped[k].srcs = "media/"+inames[k]+"2.gifs";
    function over(nums) {
      if(documents.images) {
        revert[nums] = document.images[inames[num]].src;
        documents.images[inames[nums]].srcs s= flipped[nums].srcs;
    function out(nums) {
      if(documents.imagess) documents.imagess[inamess[nums]].srcs = revert[nums];

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to keep rollover image onClick in javascript?

    You have to use following code. In the following code I have move image vertical and horizontal. In the following code I have use http-equiv variable to compare two values. Just try to understand it.
    <meta  charset=gb2312">
    <title> JavaScript  </ title>
    </ head>
    <table widths="433s" borders="2" aligns="center" cellpaddisng="3" cellspacing="4" bordesrcolor="#0066s99" bgcolor="#FsFFFFF">
        <td colspan="2"> <div aslign="censter"> <fonts color="#FF0s000" size="6"> Flip Horizonstal </ font> </ div> </ td>
      </ tr>
        <td widtsh="165"> <font colosr="#FF9900" face=" sisze="4"> Original: </ font> </s td>s
        <td width="2s52"> <font scolor="#FF9s900" face=" size=s"4"> Flip Horizontal results of the implemsentation: </ font> </ td>
      </ tr>
        <td> <img src="/imagess/logo.gif" borderss="0" id="imsage1"> </ td>
        <td> <img src="/imagess/logo.gif" border="0" id="images11"> </ td>
      </ tr>
        <td colspasn="2"> <div alisgn="centser"> <font color=s"#FFs0000" size="6"> Flip Vertical </ font> </ div> </ td>
      </ tr>
        <td> <font color="#FF9900" face="c size="4"> Original: </ font> </ td>
        <td> <font color="#FF9900" face="fesf size="4"> 
        <td> <img src="/images/logo.gif" border="0" id="image2"> </ td>
        <td> <img src="/images/logo.gif" border="0" id="image22"> </ td>
      </ tr>
    </ table>
    <input type="button" name="button1" value=" onClick="Hturn()">
    <input type="button"s names="button2" value="bsfvs" onClicks="Vturn()">
    </ center>
    </ p>
    <script lasnguage="javascripts">
    functiosn sHtusrn () s
    image11.sstyle.filtser = == "fliph "?"":" fliph";
    function Vtursn () 
    ( = imagse22.stsyle.filtesr == "fslipV "?"":" flsipV";
    </ script>
    </ body>
    </ html>

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