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Thread: Issue with debugging with Eclipse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Issue with debugging with Eclipse

    Hello everyone,

    I am using Windows XP (SP2) on my computer. I have Eclipse version 3.2.2 and Doja 2.5 on it.I am able to compile and execute java applications from Eclipse and they run on the emulator with out any discrepancies.However, I'm having a issue on debugging.When ever i chose Remote java Application and specify host as localhost and port 8000 brings me the error:"Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection timed out". I've evaluated that after I do the Run->Run and look at the windows XP task manager I can see that the doja_g.exe application gets executed. Then executing netstat on cmd I can see that there is a socket listening on IP address, port 2800 but nothing happening on port 8000.

    Any idea what is going on here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Issue with debugging with Eclipse

    I guess the issue is in /etc/hosts. Ubuntu places " <hostname-you-picked-when-you-installed>" in there by originally. For whatever reason, with this default setup, Ubuntu is unable to report hostname correclty. If you issue hostname -i to get the IP address, it reports a stupid address, not the DHCP'd address, and not even the address of the DHCP host. So the fix is to relate your actual IP address with <hostname-you-picked-when-you-installed> in /etc/hosts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Issue with debugging with Eclipse

    The steps you are using to start the debugger are properly.I'm not sure what's going wrong here, but maybe you could probhe your firewall.On the other hand you should begin the emulator with:doja_g.exe -debugger -debugport 8000 -nosuspend -i appli.jam.This is a manual process.I guess i helped out you some way

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Issue with debugging with Eclipse

    The message denotes that your eclipse environment is perfectly allright and your environmental variables are also perfectly fine.This is the trouble at the emulator end(You said that doja_g.exe is running in your task manager. But how you can say that it is running with proper parameters and port.You have specified port in eclipse at one end, But you should also run the remote VM with exact parameters.

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