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Thread: Flash Shimmer effect

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Flash Shimmer effect

    Hi, Morning

    I just thinking how they get that squiggle to shimmer across the screen when you click on any of the pages other than the homepage on a particular website.I also like to find out how to gain a "shimmering" effect across a bitmap, so that it sorta fades unevenly across a snap.

    Many thanks..!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Flash Shimmer effect

    It's sort of complictaed to know what kind of shimmering effect. Maybe make a mask layer with tween oval shapes which grow, shrink and move in an some kind of circular path, like water reflections.else maybe you could make a diagonal set of irregular, curvy lines as a mask and tween them so that you get a nice rippling would work much amazingly if you have 2 images the same, offset one of them by 3 or 4 pixels and then mask one of them over the other.There will be a subtle ripply effect when the mouse is out of frame and a growing radial mousefollow ripple on mouseOver too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Flash Shimmer effect

    Go for a FlashKit.A simple method to begin with is to use the "lines" as a mask and then have a gradient move under it.They have gone a little further though, probably using several "lines" an gradients as they follow the shape at some points.And coming to the bitmap I'm not confident, depends on how the shimmer should work covering the whole bitmap or only portions, it can be complicated

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Flash Shimmer effect

    I guess it's tween that each button plays when it's rolled over,same time there's a gradient mask a well. I am not confident if Flash supports gradient masks. If not, then it's a series of images done in another application.You can use the mask effect for that create two image in photo shop one normal and one with shine and mask it in flash you will get the moving shining effect.and also the effect it depends on what program your using as to what direction to point you.

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