So I'm clueless about programming, almost clueless. I'm given this excel workbook where there are a list of names and a list of other details (columns). There are names repeated but not all rows have names.
For example (not allowed to upload excel file) - original excel file
Aaron | detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
| detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
| detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
Betty | detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
Betty | detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
Aaron | detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
Cathy | detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
| detail A | detail B | detail C | detail D
yeah so on and so forth. So you can see that aaron has 2 count but four rows, betty has 2 counts and 2 rows and cathy has 1 count but 2 rows. How do I do it such that for each name, I merge the names into 1 count without merging the rows AFTER copying the header over. It's a loop right? Also, each name copied out must be copied into a new workbook.
I'm going nuts on the amount of research done online because I don't understand the codes provided. So i would really appreciate if the comments are left next to the line of code to explain. THANK YOU SO MUCH