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Thread: Download Microsoft "Oslo" May 2009 CTP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Download Microsoft "Oslo" May 2009 CTP

    "Oslo" is the code name for Microsoft’s next generation modeling platform. It consists of a modeling language, codename "M", a modeling tool, codename "Quadrant", a repository and a set of models that target specific domains.Testers will also be able to take advantage of an associated repository, essentially an SQL Server 2008 database designed for models storage. On top of this, Microsoft has also packaged a collection of UML and CLR models designed for specific domains. Oslo also contains the necessary tools to import UML diagrams and .NET assemblies into the repository.This version includes numerous bug fixes, simplifications, and added features from prior CTPs.Now as soon as you start the installation of this May CTP, you'll see that a few new things are added in, and many things have been taken out.

    Most significantly, the installation package itself has been simplified to only contain the essential Oslo binaries: the "M" tool chain, a setup for the "Oslo" Repository, and...well, we still can't spoil the surprise now.For the codename "Oslo" repository to serve the needs of its customers, it must address several versioning issues. These issues fall into the following categories:

    • Application lifecycle management (ALM): Facilitating team development of software in a continuous cycle of steps (that is, definition, design, development, testing, deployment, and management). Traditionally, Source Code Control Systems (SCCS) and build systems, like Visual Studio Team Foundation Server, automate ALM.
    • Schema evolution: Changing schemas over time in such a way that applications continue to run unchanged or with minimal changes.
    • "Oslo" product versioning: Upgrading a customer's "Oslo" repository, from version n to version n+1, in such a way that the data is preserved.
    • Application versioning: The ability to upgrade applications, stored in the "Oslo" repository, to new versions. The upgrade process has the option to retain the data from older versions of the application.
    • Operational versioning: The ability to understand operational/management changes to a deployed application.

    What you won't see installed with this CTP package are samples and documents and basically anything that's not a binary with the singular exception of the obligatory readme.All of the samples are available now as separate downloads, and did we mention the updated and very much expanded documentation is available in the Library.Oslo consists of four primary components, designed to facilitate creation and use of domain-specific models and model-driven programming. The first is a family of programming languages, called M, designed to permit domains to be created textually. Next, a visual development tool code-named Quadrant will let developers visually edit domains. Oslo will also include a repository for managing domain models -- currently SQL Server 2008 -- and a library of pre-fabricated domain models and languages.The "Oslo" repository implementation wraps some CDC and change-tracking functions so that security policies can be enforced. For example, if a user is not allowed to see the contents of a folder, then the user should also not be able to see changes related to the folder.

    Download Microsoft "Oslo" - May 2009 CTP

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Download Microsoft "Oslo" May 2009 CTP

    In addition to updates to M and the Repository, this is the first time Quadrant is being released to the public.The command-line tools have merged as well: m.exe now handles both .m and .mg sources, and we bid a fond farewell to the mg.exe tool. Now you no longer need to bounce between the two tools to build your solutions. Currently, the M family includes MGraph, a graphing structure similar to the JSON syntax; MSchema, which builds on MGraph by adding support for structural types; and MGrammar, which describes domain-specific languages (DSLs) in terms of token and syntax rules, which can be used to parse text into MGraph form. Some DSLs under discussion include MService for describing services and MEntity for describing basic data and record structures.

    The "Oslo" repository supports storing multiple versions of an application in different repository folders. However, once an application is deployed, it might need to be changed for operational reasons. In the process of maintaining the application, operations staff or automated systems like SMS might make incorrect changes that might not be discovered for some time. There are some changes in it, like:-

    • '=>' as label binding operator
      • The label binding operator has changed from '=' to '=>'.

    • @[] as escape for verbatim identifier names
      • Identifier names that need to be escaped use '@[]' instead of '[]'

    • 'item' removed
      • 'item' is no longer a keyword used to iterate over a collection of collection of values. Instead, use 'value' to iterate over a collection, and 'value' plus parenthesis to iterate over a collection of collection.

    • DateTimeOffset type and literal value added
      • A new data type, DateTimeOffset, has been added. In addition, a new literal kind, DateTimeOffset, has been added to write literals of the type DateTimeOffset

    And many more...So far, the SDKs have rested on .NET and Visual Studio 2008, but Microsoft hasn't yet finalized its plans concerning the relationship between the .NET Framework, Windows and Oslo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Download Microsoft "Oslo" May 2009 CTP

    New in the CTP are “Domain models for the UML 2.1 specification encompassing Use Case, Activity, Class, Sequence, Component diagrams, profiles and templates. An XMI importer supporting the 2.1 specifications, and covering the diagrams identified above. A domain model and loader for System.Runtime,” the software giant stated.This CTP includes:
    • "Quadrant" – a visual modeling tool
    • "M" – a modeling language
    • Repository – a SQL Server 2008 database to store models
    • UML domain models and a loader to import UML diagrams in XMI format into the repository
    • CLR domain models and a loader to import .NET assemblies into the repository

    Given the importance of those technologies to other Microsoft efforts and their involvement in current Oslo SDKs, it's not unreasonable to presume that those plans will include some role for .NET and Windows.You can now create (and delete) repositories and folders using the mx.exe tool. Playing with folders is an important means for applying security. some of the UI details in the tools are outdated, but the concepts are still valid). More videos are in the works too--watch for them on the DevCenter.The repository works with automated build systems. Repository models that are defined in "M" can be statically type checked and validated as part of a normal build process without requiring a running database. This includes the ability to statically compile new models against the predefined models that ship with Oslo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Download Microsoft "Oslo" May 2009 CTP

    "Oslo" repository upgrades will come with an SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package to transfer the data from the previous version of the "Oslo" repository to a new version of the "Oslo" repository.These models give developers some real leverage when it comes to DSLs and applications. From a programming language perspective, this is an extremely interesting project; as a long-term strategy for Microsoft development technologies, I believe it paints a picture of things to come beneath the Microsoft development umbrella.

    System Requirements
    • Windows XP SP3 or above
    • Windows Server 2003 R2, SP2 or above
    • Windows Vista SP1 or above
    • Windows Server 2008
    • Windows 7 RC
    • Minimum: 1.6 GHz CPU, 1GB RAM
    • Recommended: 2.2 GHz CPU, 2GB RAM

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