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Thread: How to change the color of the text "description" in a "Photo Gallery" without flash slideshow?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    How to change the color of the text "description" in a "Photo Gallery" without flash slideshow?

    I made a "Photo Gallery" without using the flash slideshow order to put on the start page (hence before start slide show) a narrative. I typed it in the description of the Inspector Page. But when I run the Preview, the text in question appears in gray and it is hard to read. I would like it to appear in black: I have tried - always in the inspector page - to highlight and to implement the palette: Format -> Show Colors for Template of ... without result. I also tried to prepare a text in another page, to put it into shape (and black) and then copy it to the description of the Inspector Page. . Nothing to do with Preview, it is still gray. This limitation is it due to the theme used (Tiger Pop)?

    Has anyone ever faced this problem and how he resolved?

    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: How to change the color of the text "description" in a "Photo Gallery" without flash slideshow?

    Hello and welcome to this forum.

    Can you save us a link please? And what theme do you use?

    You'll need to use custom CSS, in "inspector page> Header> CSS.
    Try this:

    . album - description {
    color : #ffffff

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