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Thread: SBS 2003 Monitoring and Reporting Usage Report

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    SBS 2003 Monitoring and Reporting Usage Report

    Hi All

    I have a weird problem with one of the clients SBS 2003 servers. The problem is when i go to the monitoring and reporting page. When i click on the usage reports i am unable to change the time frame for which i want the custom report to run!!! When I click on the drop down menu to select a date, nothing happens.

    I have tried reinstalling, i have remove it completely and reinstalled it and nothing...

    Any idea???

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: SBS 2003 Monitoring and Reporting Usage Report

    For enabling the same I did the following things. I clicked on the monitoring and reporting option under server management and then clicked on server usage report. This is done from the remote workplace. Now when I open http://ServerName/monitoring I can configure the same. In my case I had made the report status to email at every week. It works at the start and then the entire thing failed. For that someone suggested me to reinstall the performance/monitoring. Till yet there is no issue.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: SBS 2003 Monitoring and Reporting Usage Report

    To fix the issue better re-install SBS Monitoring. This will make it appropriate in terms of giving out results. There are few set of simple tools through which you can re-install SBS Monitoring. For that you have to first remove it. You can go do that from Control Panel. Then go in C:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$SBSMONITORING and take the backup of last folder. this will be restored later on to get old reports back. Launch Windows Small Business Server 2003 Setup Wizard > Server Tools to Maintenance. Here you have to go in Monitoring. Restart the server. then start MSSQL$SBSMONITORING and SQLAgent$SBSMONITORING services.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: SBS 2003 Monitoring and Reporting Usage Report

    At many places I can only see one solution. You have to re-install this thing to make it work properly. Before doing that you can still go ahead with a link below. This link has some basic troubleshooting options to deal with reporting feature in Windows Server. There are set of different helpful article which gives you detail information on fixing the problem. Re-installing might cause loss of old information. So better checkout once before doing the same. The link has set of few guidelines which will be helpful in dealing with the problem you are facing.

    Repair monitoring and reporting features in Windows Small Business Server 2008

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