I accidentally pushed out an update and i'm having trouble removing it.
Before MS stopped supporting IE8 on W7, all you had to do was remove the IE10 windows component and within a few restarts you would have IE8 back. Now that action doesn't work anymore.
I also attempted to revert to a restore point, but the option was disabled which means there is no restore point for before that went out.
So I decided to focus on it as a "update to remove". The problem is in the 'finding it' on the desktop.
Essentially i have w7 users who need to stay on IE8 but i accidentally approved two "update rollups" with very generic names "microsoft internet explorer 9 for windows 7" and "microsoft internet explorer 10 for windows 7".
My basic process to remove an update is as follows:
1. locate the update in WSUS
2. Record the KB number
3. Remove the update via the control panel>turn windows on/off> windows updates.
Problem is, i can't locate a KB number for this "update rollup". I have searched MS KB eight ways from sunday to no avail. Plus when i iopen "uninstall update" control panel, i don't see any updates in the list that say "internet explorer" and i can't seem to figure out how to search it.
I'm new to the whole running a network thing, so do not assume i've done anything other than what i've stated.
So, any suggestions how to roll my machine (which was happily running IE8 on W7 WITHOUT flashing the hard drive back to the base image?