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Thread: SCCM Clients not getting updates from WSUS Server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    SCCM Clients not getting updates from WSUS Server

    My SCCM client fails to get updates and it is giving a number of errors. I am new to this and my friend has helped me to configure it. There are no updates received from WSUS server. It looks some kind of serious bug in the server. The client system is running on Windows Server. The Diagnostic tool is also not giving any kind of error. It shows everything is passed and working really well. There is long error log of this problem and I am not willing to post this here. I think there will be some common solution for the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Just update your WSUS tool. I think that can fix the problem. Once you are done with the update you will not get this kind of bugs. You are getting the problem because you are on a older edition of WSUS. After updating that to new edition a number of problem will be removed. There can be a kind of compatibility trouble between Vista and other older system and due to which you get the problem. Another more common reason behind this problem is duplicate SusClientID. You must get rid of them and assign a new to each.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Can you paste the log. I think that is going to be more helpful and it will allow us to work on the same. It is better if you can update WSUS to SP2 and then check again. If you are getting error on that also then you have to post the logs here to collect appropriate information on the problem. It can be complicated to find the right reason behind error, but stopping and starting the service and manually configuring different kind of updates is one of the best way to deal with the problem.

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